Janus x Reader x Logan: Just Dance

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Hello! Thank you so much for reading and I really hope you like it! I got this idea being overtired... the best idea's always seem to come then... anyway, I really really hope you like and I really hope that this makes you smile at least a little bit, please let me know if you want a pt 2! as always please keep comments clean and Patton-friendly!

"what the heck Remy, why me?" you said angrily into the phone, kneading your already pulsating forhead, while the other Sanders stared at you. the movie paused as you were on the phone. your breathing quicking as you heard the sassy coffee-lover on the other side of the phone.

"you seriously couldn't have chosen anybody else?" you asked again, frustrated at Sir Starbucks, while both Logan and Janus being drawn deeper into the conversations than they others. concern flashing on both their faces as Logan's scanning your face while Janus eyes narrowed scanning your eyes.

"Yeah, Yeah, whatever... I guess so... talk to you later Rem..." you said, clicking to end the call before looking around, the tension easily spotted on your face as you glances around. Janus thumb lightly brushing your leg.

"Remy... asked me to dance with him..." you muttered, shoving your phone in your pocket with frustration, as Logan and Janus eyes widened. Roman broke into a grin, and Virgil gave you a look of pity, already knowing your embarrassing secret.

"what is the issue?" Logan asked, scooting a little closer.  Janus scooting closer, a slight glare at Logan. while Roman leaned over the back of the couch curious as well. you sighed, opening your eyes, an ashamed blush crawling onto your cheeks.

"I don't know how to dance." you whispered, and figerativly got tackles with responses, Patton gasping in the background, and Remus eating a pinecone.

"no matter, I shall teach you." Logan said, eagerly. Janus rolled his eyes grabbing your arm and pulling you a little closer. so that his own expensive cologne smell was wafting in your nose, instead of Logan's peppermint and ink smell.

"I'll also teach you dear, most dances can't be taught in a classroom... and I know for a fact I've been dancing a lot longer than the teacher." Janus said. you looked in between them not even hearing Roman's offer.

"great... you can both teach me." you said softly and Logan smiled, now helping you stand.

"we can start now, y/n..." he said, almost beaming as he walking you quickly upstairs, Janus glaring with obvious jealousy. Roman had already run upstairs too. Janus gripping the couch as Remus sauntered over

"oh, Looks like Logan is getting to your sugar lips before you are, huh Janus?" Remus giggled, and Janus hissed at him to stop it. Virgil kneaded his head, yanking Patton upstairs to work on friendship bracelets

Janus sighed frustrated, glaring at the upstairs, where Logan was alone with y/n... he grumpily dragged Remus back downstairs. after Remus was locked in his room, Janus went into his room and created a doorway, leading where he would teach you, pulling out a lighter to light the soft candles... this would be fun...


"lift you leg a little bit more..." Logan said gently dipping you during a ballroom dance, every foot placed intentionally and all for a greater. like dominos, one move starting another until it strings together in a complex pattern called a dance.

he smiled softly as you complied, making the moves even more magnificent. as he smiled, moving around you, grabbing your shoulder, his hand trailing down your arm and latching onto your wrist as he spun you. 

"the foot pattern there is left left right left right." Logan said, after you'd tripped again. you sighed, happy to have his help but also frustrated that you were messing up as bad as you did. but Logan kept you calm, a soothing scent in the air as he helped you move around. soon enough you both took a break.

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