Going to write but Slightly bored.

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Annerose (Irritated): gr...! could shut up for once!?

Asagi(to annerose): I said SILENCE you fool! What's the matter now!?

Annerose(Irritated): Yukikaze's mumbling to herself. Its really annoying!

Yukikaze: She ain't talking to herself she's talking to ME! Annerose you're so mean.

Kousuke: How dare you make a girl cry like that? It goes against the laws of the guild!

Asagi(to kousuke): You don't deserve to call yourself a swordsman.

Murasaki: Girls are delicate creatures! Annerose is nothing but a big jerk!

A minute later...

Annerose(confused): what on earth is going on with these Screw balls!?

Ingrid(To annerose): Annerose, what's the matter?

Annerose: everyone is completely.... wigged out.

Ingrid: Oh, i lent them some adventure stories yesterday while waiting the next Kingdom hearts Chapter.

Me(a far): IT TAKES TIME!

Annerose: that's all it took!? People these days, they can't fanatsy from reality.... Wait, So did Aishu- -

Aishu: I won't let that slide, Anne!

Annerose: Yup! Figures.

Aishu: I expected better from you! Do you really think you can overcome the trial and have humanity with an attitude like that?!

Annerose(irritated): hell, if i know! You're the ones trying to mess with me! I didn't do anything wrong!

Mayfeng: The sad sack role really suits you, Annerose. Come on let's try and kill each other.

Annerose: Well, you haven't changed, at least.

Mayfeng(as Annerose walks away): Hah, nah, i'm pretty far gone myself. Hey, you listening? Want to see me grow my wings out?

Ingrid: It would be really nice if people paid a little more attention to me.

Me (a far); They shouldn't! They should give annerose more love and make her a support!

Ingrid: I'm sorry, you want to say that again?

Me(a far): Pokemon battle me! Simp!

Ingrid(dumbfounded): wh-what?

Me(a far): You're a simp for Edwin!

Oboro,kiryu&murasaki: Oh damn.... oh damn! OH! DAMN!

Me(a far): And THAT is three oh damns. OH DAMN!

A minute later...

Annerose: Where's Riku and Mitico?

Ingrid: Oh, they're in that room over there, doing a link battle of Sword and shield. Riku for reason chose shield and mitico Sword.

Annerose: huh. I wonder how that's going?

In a room nearby...

Riku: Boom! Sceptile for the win! With a Crit against your swampert! WOO!

Mitico(annoyed): HOW!?

Riku: I EV train my pokemon!

Mitico: *Takes a deep breath* i cannot believe i'm saying this because it makes me want to puke but... Stupid human? TEACH ME THE WAYS OF THE EV TRAIN!

Riku: What?

Mitico: I lost to the writer, Moka, Emil, Paimon, Odd eyes, Kousuke, Sakura, Asagi, Rinko, Yukikaze, Tatsurou, Shiranui, mayfeng, Aishu, And edwin black! Please... riku, teach me the ways!

Riku: Fine but you gotta call me master
Until i think your training is complete!

Mitico: Yessir!

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