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Kingdom hearts: Wrath of the Steel witch.

Riku firmly grips the sword and stares at it intently. The next day, Riku started doing daily chores but every time he completed all of them or the cleaning failed expectations, he would do it again or get more. During his spare time, Riku would train with the wooden sword he had in secret. The next 9 days were about the same until one late night, a viscous storm brewed but no rain was falling, just Strong winds and black clouds. Riku was awoken by the noise and checked the house. Everything was intact but The maid and The woman in black were missing. He exited the house and looked around, the city seemed like a ghost town. Wanting to know where the woman in black and the maid were, he searched the city before finding the woman in black and the maid. While searching the city, He saw a gang member running from something before his body turns completely black, he also shrunk down and had Yellow glowing eyes.

"What the...?" Riku wondered in awe

The former gang member noticed riku and Lunged at him. Riku tried hitting it with the wooden sword he hand but before the sword made contact, it shined turning into what appeared to be a Giant key that defeated the gang member. In awe by what happened, Riku examined his weapon before more of the creatures showed up. Riku ran for his life until he saw the woman in black.

"Annerose-San! Where's Mitico!?" Riku questioned

Annerose turned around and put both of her hands into the air.

"The gate has been opened." Annerose announced

"What are you talking about!?" Riku questioned

"Come, Join me Ri-kun." annerose offered while putting her hand out.

Hesitant on whether to take it or not, the storm got more intense. Annerose disappeared out of thin air while Riku was sucked into the cloud spiral. After being sucked into it, Riku woke up in a strange town and when he sat up, There was a Orangey-yellow Dog with a black nose, Antenna like Tail and green collar.

"Uh... hi?" Riku greeted unsure

The dog walks over and helps Riku on his feet.

"Thanks." Riku thanked. He then asked "Have you seen Annerose-San or mitico?"

The dog shakes its head before walking away.

"Hey, wait up!" Riku pleaded while following the dog.

As riku followed the dog around the strange town, The creatures from before emerged from the ground and charged towards Riku. Riku realized he was defenceless, knowing the giant key he had was gone. As the creatures got closer to him, Riku tried to block their attacks with his arms but that was when the key reappeared in his hand and vanquished the creatures.

"Whoa..." he said in awe while looking at the key

"Woof!" The dog barked.

"You got a point, this area  is unsafe." Riku agreed

Riku continues to follow the dog until they reached a populated Area.

"Whoa..." riku said in awe

"Pluto! There you are!" Someone said in a strange voice.

The person walks over to Riku and Pluto. When riku saw the person but  he wasn't human, he was a white duck with an Orange bill wearing blue clothes.

"What were you doing Wondering off like that?" He squawked

"Y-you're a duck! A talking Duck!" Riku pointed out in awe.

"So?" He squawked Suspiciously

"Uh... its just... i've never seen a talking duck." Riku answered nervously

"Why i oughta...!" He squawked with anger

"Knock it off." Someone said roughly

A tall man with brown hair, wearing black clothes and Scar across his face walks towards the three.

"Finally someone normal..." riku said relieved

"You're not from around here, Are you?" He wondered.

"You can say that again. I sort of... woke up in this place." Riku answered

"You don't look that tough." He pointed out

"Yeah, well i usually leave the fighting to a woman in black with a katana and a maid with 2 axes that enjoys killing me." Riku said exasperated

"How are you even alive then?" The duck squawked curiously

"My life is bound to the woman in black. If she dies, i die. Simple is that." Riku explained.

The man turns his back on Riku.

"Huh?" Riku wondered

"You look tired. Follow me to the hotel. My friend will have a look at you and heal your wounds." The man told him

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