Digimon: Fall knight PT. 5

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Part 5: Annerose and Kotemon.

After splitting up to find the 5 guardian digimon, anne travelled north towards the Lightning ice mountains, to find Baihoumon. On the way, she made a stop at a small village of swordsman like digimon. As anne walked around the village, She saw two Digimon fighting, one a Knightmon and the other was a small digimon that looked like it was wearing Kendo gear that was too big for it. The knightmon quickly defeated the opposing digimon which left it, saddened.

Digimon: i'll never be a good swordsman at this rate.

Knightmon: I believe you can. I train every digimon here with my full strength, knowing full well that the enemy may be fair. You must learn to think on your feet. Use your surroundings, anything to give you an advantage.

Anne: Wise words.

Knightmon: Fear not, Young Kotemon, you will become a fine swordsman one day.

Kotemon picks up his kendo sword and walks away, defeated.

Anne: Your teacher is right you know.

Kotemon: Huh?

Anne: your teacher is bigger than you, sure but you can use that to your advantage. Use your size against him.

Kotemon: My size? Hey, you're right! Thank you, Miss!

Anne: I can teach you a few things if you want.

Kotemon: That would be great actually!

Anne: *Checks digivice.* How are you feeling Gabumon?

Gabumon: I feel, Drained. It'll be sometime before i feel better. Batting jesmon really took a lot out of me.

Anne: I bet. It's not easy when you're not fighting on equal ground.

Kotemon: Not fighting on equal ground...

Anne: Keep resting. I'll let you know if something comes up.

Anne and Kotemon go to a secluded area to duel. Annerose fought with her sword but its sheathe was still on it. Anne and kotemon then fought, remembering what Annerose and his teacher said, Kotemon jumped back, Stabbed his kendo stick into the ground and dragged it, making a dust cloud. Annerose looked around her and saw kotemon continuing to drag his kendo stick into the ground. Annerose was on high alert for kotemon could attack from everywhere. Annerose closed her eyes and listened closely for kotemon's footsteps. Once she found out where kotemon was going to appear, she blocked him and disarmed him.

Annerose: Not bad, not bad at all.

Kotemon: That really worked!

Anne: Your teacher is right, you'll make a fine swordsman one day.

Kotemon: thank you miss!

Anne and kotemon return to the village only to find it empty.

Anne: Something isn't right...

Kotemon: Where did everyone go?

Gabumon: I didn't sense anything. It's like they all vanished.

Annerose decided to search the village as kotemon stayed close to her. As they searched the village something flew over head and landed in the centre of the village.

Kotemon: that's a darkdramon!

Darkdramon: I guess i missed a few stranglers!

Annerose: Gabumon?

Gabumon: I'm not sure if i have it me to battle still.

Kotemon: But i can!

Annerose: you're not ready to handle something like darkdramon.

Kotemon: Maybe i can with the zuba sword,

Gabumon: Zuba sword?

Kotemon: not far from here, there's a cave with a sword stuck in a rock. The elders know the sword was a digimon called Zubamon. Zubamon helped many and any swordsman worthy enough to wield him. If i can remove it, i may be able to

Anne: we don't really have much of a choice. If i fought it, i'd likely lose. Lead the way.

Kotemon shows Annerose the way to the cave. Upon arriving, A force field blocked anne from advancing any further but kotemon could.

Annerose: Hate to say this, but you're on your own from here.

Kotemon; what? I can't go in there alone!

Annerose: You have too. I can't step through this force field.

Kotemon musters up what courage he had and advanced to where the sword was. Kotemon heard laughter from the shadows hut did his best to ignore it. Eventually, kotemon managed to reach where the sword was. He grabbed the hilt o the golden blade and pulled but sword would not move.

Kotemon: Please, Let me draw it! I need you! My village needs you!

The blade lurched a small inch before kotemon removed the blade from the rock. The blade shined before transforming into digimon.

Digimon: What happened?

Kotemon: You're Zubamon!

Zubamon: Indeed i am, you needed my assistance correct? I sensed the goodness in your heart and allowed you to remove me from the stone.

Kotemon: I need your help! Please! A darkdramon invaded my village!

Zuba: Say no more.

Zubamon and kotemon leave the cave, Meeting up with annerose. The three head back to the village where zubamon was ready to face darkdramon.

Darkdramon: you all finally return.

Zubamon: This place does not belong to you! Leave!

Darkdramon(taunting): And how are you going to do that?

Zubamon: *Looks at annerose.* I need to borrow your digi-soul.

Anne: Huh?

Annerose's digi-soul suddenly appears around her hand and is transferred over to zubamon

Zubamon double warp Digivolve to...! DURANDAMON!

Durandamon and Darkdramon become cloaked in gold and dark energy as they clashed with each other. Both seemed to be equal in strength as they clashed fiercely. Durandamon then spins violently and spins into Darkdramon, turning it back into an egg.

Kotemon: You defeated it!

Durandamon: Victory.

Annerose: Not bad,

Durandamon: Should you allow it, i would like to accompany you on your journey.

Kotemon: Same. I think I can learn a lot from you.

Anne: Gabu?

Gabumon: I don't mind the help. I'm still weak from the battle against jesmon.

Anne: well, welcome to our team.

Duradamon: a pleasure,

Kotemon: Thanks!

End of part 5.

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