My adventures as a MH.

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Episode 1: Baiting.

Me: *Watching intensely for a monster.*


Me: ah! *Punches him!*

Kr kaos: SONOFA- MOTHER- *Trips and falls backwards.*

Me: The hell man!? I'm trying to hunt a monster!

HSDXD_RiasGremory : i'm here too.
Me: Oh come on...

Kr kaos: what are you doing?

Me: Waiting.

Kr Kaos: for what?



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Me: that.

Kr kaos: what is that?

Me: its a barroth. And average sized one.

Mei: You're not gonna fight that thing are you?

Me: I am. So stay put of the way.

Kr kaos: what's that giant spot?

Me: a living trap.

Them: Pardon?

I shoot something by the barroth and something emerges from the ground, causing the barroth to sink into the trap.

Me: Stay here.

I run into the and minutes later i return.

Kr kaos: so how'd that go?

Me: Difficult because of black Diablos.

Mei: What?
*Loud thumps!*



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Me: That. RUN!

We all start running before i shove them into a camp.

Me: The hell you guys doing here anyway? Where are your weapons?

Kr kaos: Didn't bring'em. We crashed here.

Me: *I sigh and go into a small tent, and after a minute i come out with weapons.* for you Mei, Legiana Armour and a bow. And for you... charge blade and barroth armour.

Mei: Hey no fair! You got that giant sword!

Me: You really think this is my best weapon?

Mei: Yes...?

Me: Well its not. Its the sword and shield.

I enter my tent and come out with a sword and shield

I enter my tent and come out with a sword and shield

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Me: THESE are my best weapons!

Kr kaos: so what now?

Me: we hunt the diablos. The queen of the sand.

Mei: queen?

Me: Black diablos are females in heat. True fact.

Mei: Wow...

Me(Sarcastic): anyways! Let's go die to it!

Mei: You're kidding right? RIGHT!?

To be continued.

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