Digimon: Fallen knights.

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Max, was a young man who spent most of his days, Playing a card game involving creatures called "Digimon" or "Digital Monsters." Max was a big fan of Mech and Knight like Digimon, His ace digimon card Is Dukemon,  a holy knight but made sure to a bring a back up like UlforceVeedramon, a holy knight digimon like dukemon but had a more powerful form called "Future mode."

One night, Max saw a pink dragon in his dream and it asked him to save the holy knight Digimon. The dragon gifted back a small device, saying it would guide him on his journey. He woke up the next day with a headache, before seeing the device in his hand. Max was shocked to the device from his dream in his hand but got up and left his house. While heading to a shopping mall to get a new pack of digimon cards, the device he put in his pocket, shine brightly.

Max found himself in some kind of portal. He looked around confused until he saw a red creature bouncing around in the portal. Max moved towards it, grabbed it and hugged it tightly as the two exited the portal but after exiting, the red creature grew and had a dragon or lizard like appearance.

Max looked around before noticing the dragon/lizard like creature in front of him. Max thought he was dream and touched its snout, when he touched it, he realized it was real.

???: Hello.

Max: w-what are you!?

???; I am Guilmon, and you're the person i've been waiting for.

Max: you were... waiting for me?

Guilmon sniffed the air as his eyes dilated a bit and looks behind himself.

Guilmom: smell... Digimon...!

Max: Digimon? Like my cards!?

Max loos where guilmon was looking and sees a group of blue dinosaur like digimon. Max grabs his cards and looks at them before finding one that matched what was approaching.

Max: Allomon. Special attack, Dino burst.

Guilmon growled as he charged forward.

Max: Guilmon!

Guilmon fights the allomon alone and is quickly overpowered. Max, Couldn't stand by and let his friend get hurt so he ran towards the allomon and punched it, after punching it, a strange energy gathered around his fist and his device was reacting to it. Max put the light and device together which caused Guilmon to growl and change.

Guilmon: Guilmon... digivolve... to......! Growlmon!

Max: Wh-what just happened to guilmon!?


Growlmon fires a scorching hot beam of fire which defeats the allomon. Max looks in awe at the power growlmon displayed and looks at Growlmon.


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