Digimon: Fallen knight pt. 3

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Part three: Ancient evolutions.

Our group managed to stop some troublesome digimon from escaping to the real world. We're now heading to the digital world, home of the digimon to stop the remaining knights.

When we exit the gateway area, We appeared in a City.

Max: Wow...

Anne: This city was ruled by Dynasmon.

???; Hail, Friends!

Me: Dynasmon!

Dynasmon: It is good to see you.

Emil: how goes earning the digimon's trust back?

Dynasmon: The digimon knew something was wrong with me, they believed in me despite me acting like a Tyrant.

Moka: That's good.

Dynasmon: Speaking of "Good", i found some ancient ruins near here.

Me: What? Really?

Dynasmon: Yes, Follow me.

We all follow dynasmon to the ruins.

Max: Wow...

Dynasmon: these ruins tell of Ancient evolutions of agumon and Gabumon.

Me: Really?

Dynasmon: Yes, Victorygreymon and Ancientgreymon for agumon. Ancientgarurumon and Zeedgarurumon for gabumon.

Agumon: I think i was able to go to those forms.

Me: Really agu?

Agumon: Yes!

Gabumon: But we thought omnimon is what the digital world needed more.

Anne: Makes sense. You're combining two mega level digimon into one. I don't even think you two could digivolve to those forms even if you wanted too.

Agumon: We forgot or don't want to anymore.

Emil: Either way, until you two can form omnimon again, we need to make due with your megas and these ancient version may come in handy in the future.

Dynasmon: Agreed.

Max: maybe Guilmon will be able to turn into Dukemon in the future.

Me: Likely.

Max: Once we have omnimon and dukemon are on our side we can't lose!

Dynas: I like your spirit but do not be over confident. It will be your downfall.

Max: Maybe i was a little over confident there...

Me: Yeah, not ever battle will be easy.

Anne: Take it from us. It took Agumon turning into Gaiomon to take down both Dynasmon and kentaurosmon.

Me: And that was a mistake i don't want to make again, for my sake and Agumon's.

Labra: i know i can become an ancient digimon. Ancientsphinxmon i believe.

Moka: But, labramon, it's risky. It was known as the legendary warrior of Darkness.

Labramon: that is true but that all depends on the digimon who turns into him.

Dynasmon: He is not wrong. Many evil digimon that can turn into ancientsphinxmon have attacked innocent digimon and ruled ruthlessly. But, if a good digimon turns into it, it may fight on the side of justice.

Labra: Moka, i know i can give ancientsphinxmon a better rep.

Moka: I trust you, Labramon but i don't trust ancientsphinxmon too well.

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