Digimon: Fallknight pt. 4

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Part 4: Trust and guardians.

After escaping the attack on dynasmon's city, max reflected in his actions and knew he had to control his emotions and not get so angry. So he told us that he was going to train with guilmon yo try and control their power, fearing what megidramon would do.

Me: Max, We need you here. The knights may attack again.

Max; I know but,.. i think me and guilmon need some time away from everyone. I understand the risks of me and guilmon and i understand your distrust of me of my previous actions. That's why i'm going to train, to control my emotions so, guilmon won't turn into megidramon. You all talk from a place of concern and i understand which is why i have to do this.

Emil; do what you have to do.

Moka: Yeah.

Anne: ...

Max and Guilmon then leave the city and train in an isolated forest not far from the city. While in the forest, Guilmon and max began to train. But every time they trained, flash backs of what we said echoed in his mind and Guilmon started to attack relentlessly. Max, soon realized what he did and snapped out of it and so did guilmon.

Max: It's no use... i'll never be able to control my emotions.

???: Not with that attitude.

Max: Who's there!?

A tree like digimon appears from the shadows of the forest.

???; I am Cherrymon, and i was once like you,

Max; You... were?

Cherrymon: yes. I am the guardian of this forest, i wasn't good at holding my emotions back. From a small accident like stepping on flowers to digimon fighting, i would get angry at any and every digimon in sight until... i turned into ghoulmon.

Max: Ghoulmon?

Cherrymon: Yes, i went on a rampage, attack everything in sight until the knights defeated me, turning me back into a digi-tama (or digi egg). I then grew and managed to turn back into cherrymon and promised myself to be better than before. It wasn't easy, but i found a way.

Max: I don't know how.

Cherrymon: assuring words help and deep breathing helps too.

Max: assuring words... hunter tried that once and it worked for a little bit then i lost my cool and attacked jesmon.

Cherrymon: and from that failure, you must learn from that. Not every battle is like a puzzle but if you're having trouble defeating an enemy, find a way. Think of it as a puzzle needing to be solved.

Max: A puzzle needing to be solved...

Cherrymon; Now, let us battle.

Max: what?

Cherrymon: If you wish to control your emotions in battle, then you must fight me.

Max; Alright. Ready Guilmon?

Guilmon: ready.

Max: DNA... Charge!

Guilmon: Guilmon digivolve to....! Growlmon!

Cherrymon: Your task is to strike me.

Max: Sound easy enough.

Cherrymon: Illusion mist!

Cherrymon conjures up a strange mist that cloaks him but confused growlmon and max.

Max: I can't see anything!

Growlmon: Same!

Cherrymon: Vine attack!

Suddenly vines come out of the mist and strike growlmon from behind.

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