Asagi and Annerose leave. forever.

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Please note that this is a fan Parody of "Joker leaves forever" and give credit to person who actually made this. I Own nothing.

Asagi: Sunscreen?

Annerose: Yes.

Asagi: Sunglasses?

Annerose: Got it!

Asagi: One copy of the BEST Final fantasy game?

Annerose: of course! *Is holding pokemon Shield*

Asagi: Then we're ready for this "Trip"!

*Persona 5 Takeover plays*

Oboro: Happy new year everyone!

Edwin: We were too busy to come on the actual day so we had to wait.

Mayfeng: We're here to have a late New year's party with all of you.

Asagi: Oh s**t! Annerose, didn't you give the letter?

Annerose: what letter?

Asagi: You know, "THAT" letter.

Annerose: oopsie! Sorry, here you go!

Annerose hands them a big Letter L.

Edwin: Asagi, Annerose, what are you guys doing?

Asagi&Annerose: We're leaving. FOREVER!

Them: NANI!?!?!?!?

Edwin: What do you mean forever?

Asagi: After careful consideration, the Taimanin and Annerose's Detective Agency are going on a summer adventure.

Annerose: Oh. That reminds me.


Asagi and Annerose are wearing their usual attire.

Annerose&Asagi: That's much better.

Oboro: But why?

Asagi: I would Answer that, but since we're not in the Taimaverse timeline anymore. You no longer exist, Evil Oboro!

Annerose: Everyone say "Goodbye to Oboro"!

Riku, Mitico, Murasaki, Yukikaze, Rinko, Sakura, kousuke &Asuka: Goodbye Oboro!

Oboro: aw not again. :(

Edwin: i Guess we'll finish it for her... But why? (oboro 2000 (idk exact date when Asagi was Created) - 2021)

Asagi: Edwin, Mayfeng, this is the who knows how many Fanfics of Taimanin Asagi and Steel witch annerose stories so far!

Annerose: who knows how many, counting Persona Asagi.

Asagi: We thought about it about it a lot.... and we give up! If the next Taimanin Asagi OVA ends badly or Steel witch annerose gets a Reboot with the good ending, then we don't want to be apart of it! Which is why we're taking the reasonable choice of taking all our friends and forcing them to abandon their everyday lives with us!

Edwin&Mayfeng: But Asagi/Annerose! Think about all the good times we had in our series! Remember all the memories we've made the past years!

Insert flashbacks of Everything, Oboro, Edwin and mayfeng did to Asagi and Annerose.

Asagi&Annerose: This is the end, Edwin/Mayfeng. What happened to this place?

Edwin: so that's it? It's all over?

Mayfeng: No more annerose and Asagi videos?

Them HA HA HA! F**k no!

Edwin&Mayfeng: Wut

Them: We were just messing with you! Actually we were all just going to hide from Persona Asagi Chap. 2 spoilers for a bit. Did you really think you could get rid of us that Easily? We'll be back in a few weeks!

Oboro(out of existence): what are you going to do?

Edwin(to Asagi): What are you going to do?

Annerose: All of us are going on a Character development field trip! That everyone (Except Asuka) has done before!

Asagi: Well that's it for now! The keys are on the table, Remember to fill Komainu's water bowl, and take care of Gosha academy as well as Annerose's home. These old girls don't have anyone else to look after them.

Aish&Yamamoto: We're still here! you *Swearing censor beeps!*

Asagi&Annerose: Be back in a couple of weeks! Later Readers!


Edwin and Mayfeng are laying on the gym floor of Gosha Academy in silence.

Oboro: well this sucks..... but look on the bright side! At least we have 2 places to destroy when they get back! And not to mention-

Edwin&Mayfeng: (all that time, trying to be a good villain, our maybe redemption arcs that could happen. GONE! All because of Persona Asagi Spoilers! What are we going to do with our lives nows?)

???: Why look so down BL villains?

Them: Hello Kara.

???: yes, it is i, Kara Kcorpion.


???: Hey, Edwin and Mayfeng, its me kirisawa Rei! I was pretending to be Sara, pretending to be someone else! For that A+ stealth mission rating!

Them: nice to see you too.... what do you want Rei-

Rei: Ahem!

Them: sara-

Rei: AHEM!

Them: kara

Kara: Boss man said to give you this after he was done with it! *Hands them a contract* here's a pen for you two to sign!

Them: Is this... what we think this is?

Kara: Yeah! A persona Asagi contract! Guarantees you two a persona Asagi role if you sign it!

Them: then why are you giving this to us?

Kara: Because, it might give you tao the answer you're looking for. See you later, Mayfeng and Edwin! I have more people to give this contract too. *Leaves.*

Oboro: Was that a haru reference?

Edwin&Mayfeng: A role in the Persona Asagi story...


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