Digimon Fallen knight: part 7

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Part 7: shinegreymon the knight.

Me: Huh!? Max became Agunimon and digifused with Spadamon!?

Emil: I saw it with my own eyes. The spear Spadamon became amplified his burning Salamander attack by several times. If i remember correctly, Agunimon is a champion level Digimon? Still that power was beyond anything.

Me: We're going to need all the help we can get.

Emil: By the way, how's agumon?

Me: He seems fine. I think evolving to ancientgreymon negated the power drain everyone else went through, though every tome i try to get agumon to became Ancientgreymon he becomes metalgreymon.

Agumon: maybe it's when our bond is at its max?

Me: Could be. We must've been in synch when you turned into Ancientgreymon.

Emil: I hope you discover how to make him evolve.

Me: Same here, also, i found out something. Agumon can evolve to Shinegreymon. I think when they locked our mega forms, it only locked wargreymon.

Emil: Come to think of it, you stuck with wargreymon when battling the knights. You hardly ever used Shinegreymon.

Me: Well shinegreymon is superior to wargreymon in some ways.

Emil: True. If only you could go victorygreymon.

Me: Yeah.

Agumon: I feel bad for everyone's digimon. They drained while i wasn't.

Me: Same here pal.

Emil: I hope you master going ancientgreymon soon.

Me: I hope so too.

My digivive turns off, then me and Agumon continue walking.

Agumon: Everyone's getting a secondary digimon to help them fight.

Me: I know. We'll need their help. With Renamon, Gabumon and Labramon weakened, we need all the help we can get until we're ready to face king drasil. But i'm worried about guilmon. What if Drasil tries to control him again?

Agumon: He won't. No on our watch.

Me: What worries me more is Chaosdukemon and Megidramon,

Agumon (worried): i don't want guilmon to evolve to either of them. It's like me turning into gaiomon.

Me: yeah but like it or not agumon, we may need gaiomon. Gaiomon may be scary but that's your power, take control of it and you can use that power without fear.

Agumon: I know.

As me and agumon kept walking, we saw a castle.

Me: What's a castle doing here?

Agumon: I don't know.

???: Oh, it's you.

Lordknightmon lands before me and Agumon,

Me: LordKnightmon. This is your castle?

Lordknightmon: More of an outpost of the city i ruled. I'm prepping all the knightmon that i can to lead a charge on king drasil after what he did to me... to us!

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