Annerose Hangs out 2.

15 0 9

Soundblaster's challenge.

One day at the Studio...

Annerose: Hunter, got a second?

Me: Not right now anne, I'm working on my deck. After you beat me, i've editing it to find some kind of advantage.

Annerose: That's the thing. Here.

Annerose hands me a card pack.

Me: Why give me this?

Annerose: Might give you an edge.

I checks the card within the pack.

Me: No way... Odd eyes wing dragon!? Performapal Lady Ange and Gertrude!? Pendulumgraph dragon!? Wow, Anne thanks!

*Someone enters*

SoundBlastersuperior  : Hey, hunter. I came by to drop off something... what are you doing?

Me: Deck building.

Sound blaster: As in Yugioh?

Annerose: Yeah. I gave hunter a few cards to arsenal of monsters.

Me: And with wing dragon on my side, i can take on anyone.

???: How about me?

Sound blaster: Ingrid? How'd you get in here?

Ingrid: You left the door open.

Me: If i remember correctly, you run a Red eyes deck?

Sound blaster: Red eyes?

Me: Red eyes black dragon. The polar opposite of blue eyes white dragon.

Sound blaster: ah,

Me: You see, blue eyes and Red eyes are polar opposites of each other. While blue eyes is more powerful than Red eyes, Red eyes has untapped potential to get stronger.

Annerose: Kind of like Rick in your story.

Me: pretty much.

Sound blaster: look, i came here to drop off sometime. You three continue doing... whatever.

Ingrid: Scared?

Soundblaster: No.

Ingrid: Scared of my dragons?

Soundblaster: No, i just have better things to do.

Me: Ingrid leave him alone. If you want to duel, duel me or Anne.

Soundblaster: I'm not scared of ingrid.

Ingrid; Then face me. I'll give you until tomorrow to build a deck strong enough to defeat me.

Soundblaster: What?

Ingrid: *Chuckles.* Good luck.

Ingrid leaves.

Soundblaster: Well, that was out of character.

Me: Ingrid's been like this ever since she found dragons similar to the one she creates out of dark fire.

Annerose: sounds to me she won't back down until you defeat her or she defeat you.

Sound blaster: I have no idea how to build a deck in Yugioh,

Me: I can. With the right cards, you can beat her in duel.

Soundblaster: can't i just leave?

Annerose: Not that easy. I chose not to duel Ingrid, she wouldn't leave me alone for a month until i agreed to duel her.

Soundblaster: that Annoying, Huh.

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