Persona Asagi: idea.

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The phantom thieves, come face to face with the one giving people mental shutdowns and Psychotic breakdowns. Unfortunately, they were not able to battle their foe, for with a press of a button on her phone, the phantom thieves were sucked into a vortex, never to be seen again. Knowing her work was done, the foe left the Meta-Verse laughing manically.

Meanwhile somewhere...

Tatsurou: Ow! That really hurt- huh? Gets up and looks around Isn't this Shibuya?

Mona: You okay, Tatsurou?

Tatsurou: More or less but isn't this shibuya? Why is it so messed up? Its so... rundown.

Mona(uneasy): I agree. Whoever that was used that vortex for the sole purpose of eliminating us.

Tatsurou: i want to know why.

Mona: Same here.

Everyone starts to moan as they start to awaken. Mona and Tatsurou, run to their aid helping them on their feet.

Murasaki: This is bullsh*t! We had her right where we wanted her!

Kyousuke: Same here, but what the hell was that vortex thing?

Mona: So many questions but not enough answers...

Rinko: what should we do?

Mona: Let's find a place to chill. I don' t like the look of this place.

Annerose: Same here. It's like a ghost town.

Asagi suggests that they get moving.

Mona: No doubts here.

Mona jumps up and transforms into a van.

Mona: Everyone, hop in!

Annerose: Asagi, you drive!

Asagi nods and gets into the front seat, taking the wheel. Once everyone was in, the drove around the city, looking at all the buildings and people.

Mona: This place is Desolate.

Murasaki: the people are kind of Rough looking too.

Kyousuke: My only question is why we're still in out phantom thieves outfits.

Annerose: That is a good question. We're not in a palace or anything.

Mona: I can transform at will too.

As they drove around the city, asagi noticed a building that seemed to be calling her to it. Wanting to know why sh was being drawn there, she told mona of the house.

Mona: if its a place we can chill, i don't mind.

Annerose: i think i speak for everyone when i say: "let's go."

Asagi drives over to the building, parks by it and they enter on foot. After entering the house which was unlocked, Asagi peeked and saw herself  and kyousuke. Her other self was in a fighting  stance against a woman with magenta hair.

Mona: what do you see?

Asagi dove in and jumped onto the magenta haired woman, putting her hand on her face.

M.H.W: What the!?

Asagi: Show me your true form!

Asagi tried to pull off the woman's mask but nothing happed. Shocked by what happened asagi backed off, taking off her mask to summon Kage.

Asagi: Kage!

Asagi's make lit up with a Ember of blue flames but nothing happened.

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