KH: WOTST idea: 4

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Idea 4:
Riku and co make their way up the castle before reaching a broken coliseum like area.

*Maniacal distorted laughter.*

Riku: *Soft gasp.*

???: Sorry kiddies.... the only way forward is through me!

Fang: Who's she?

Riku: Lee Mayfeng, But she's different.

Oswald: Different how?

Riku: i can't explain it but, there's something off about her right now.

Perry: Her metal arm or what?

Riku: Both i guess.

Mayfeng: There's a seal up ahead, the only way to reach annerose is through me!

Riku: why are you even helping, Annerose? Don't you hate her?

Mayfeng: I do but not as much as i hate You! *Points to fang.*

Ingrid: what did fang ever do to you?

Mayfeng: She's responsible for what happened to my arm! Every time i sleep, i can't help but think of The next chance i get to try and kill you!

Perry: She has a few screws loose.

Riku: Mayfeng, you of all people know that annerose needs to be stopped. She's gone too far!

Mayfeng: I don't care! As long as i can fight you, you'll never leave!

Riku tries to step in but Fang stops him. Fang handed her large sword to Ingrid and drew the katana on her back.

Fang(taunting.): Bring it, Bitch,

Ingrid: This is a first... i've never seen her draw that Katana.

Riku: really?

Ingrid: During the duration i was with her, i've never once seen her draw her katana.

Mayfeng: *Chuckles.* Yes...! This is our final Match! THE ULTIMATE BATTLE!

Fang: ...

Fang and Mayfeng fight. Fang was a lot faster using the Katana than with her large sword. Mayfeng fought with all her might, Throw her knives at Fang while using the strings attached to try and strike her but fang managed to block her attacks.


Mayfeng creates a shock wave, then fires a shot into the sky, causing a storm of red beams to rain down randomly on the field. Fang looked up at the falling blasts and predicted where they would fall and dodge all of them.

Fang: this ends now.

Fang becomes cloaked in a blue aura and dashes towards Mayfeng Before striking her from multiple directions before doing a final falling strike.

Mayfeng: Gah.... what.... what a weak body i have..... maybe next time i'll replace it with a Metal body... how does that sound Asagi?

Fang walks up to mayfeng and Strikes her with her katana.

Fang: Do it in hell.

Mayfeng falls backwards in the dark abyss bellow.

Riku: Kind of a shame we couldn't convince her. Her skills made her pretty fierce in amidahara.

Fang: what do i care about someone that crazy?

Riku looks at the path a head and sees the seal gone.

Riku: Let's go. We need to stop annerose before she has a chance to unleash her storm of Heartless on the other worlds.

Everyone nods and they continue to make their way up.

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