Boku No Dragon Academia.

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Blond haired boy: SURROUND HIM!

*Dragons growling and hissing.*

Green haired boy: How did end up here? Fighting against someone i knew since i was a kid... all because of my dragon... the Legendary black and gold dragon....

Years ago....

My name is Midoriya Izuku or as some people call me, Deku. I like in a city were superheroes and dragons coexist. What made people superheroes is their thing called a Quirk, some people have them but other don't. People without quirks are sometimes treated as lowly dogs to people with Quirks. I was one because of Someone i knew since i was a kid, Bakugou Katsuki. Bakugou or Kacchan as i call him saw me as some kind of Rival even as kids.

I heard when Bakugou turned 7 he was given a dragon. I was happy for him but i was also jealous of him in a way. One day, My mom gave me something special, given to her by an ancient dragon priest, it was a black and Gold egg as well as a strange amulet with a star in it. My mom had given it to me to raise and when i first touched the egg, i knew we belong together.

Years pass and were just about to choose which schools we were going to enter. Bakugou was going U.A same as me but he didn't take it too well in fact when school ended, he tossed my Amulet away by throwing out the window. I couldn't do anything but stand there, powerless until something happened later that day.

*Dragon roaring!*

Midoriya: Hey, Boy.

Mom(A far): Midoriya, don't forget to feed Beau!

Beau = Bow.

Midoriya: I won't!

Midoriya drags a bag full of dragon feed to Beau's bowl and dumps it in. Beau immediately ate after the food was being poured in. When beau finished, he cuddle with Midoriya.

Midoriya: You're welcome boy.

Mom: Midoriya, i completely forgot to get groceries yesterday, can you be a dear and get them.

Midoriya: Sure.

Mom: Beau, you take of my Midoriya, got it?

Beau smirked as he used a Magnetic wave to lift Midoriya up into the Air and onto the saddle on his back. Once Midoriya had his helmet on, the two ran into town toward the store. But as they were heading into the city, They got attacked by a Slime villain with the Quirk: Sludge body.

Beau tried to shake him off but couldn't. The villain had caught midoriya and was Slowly suffocating him.

Midoriya: B-beau.....

Beau roared defensively and charged at the villain but was met by another, Bulkier dragon that knocked him out.

Midoriya: beau...! Beau....!

Midoriya's sight wavered and started to close but as they did, a hero appeared behind the villain and threw a single punch, punching through the body and pulling out Midoriya.

Villain: How dare you! The black and gold dragon will be....

Hero: Not yours.

The hero threw another punch which splattered the villain. The bulky dragon saw what had happened and fled. Beau regain consciousness and saw The hero with midoriya.

Beau: *Growls.*

Hero: wait that colour... black and gold...?

The hero walks up to Beau and looks at his forehead, Seeing a star on it.

Hero: so you've chosen your hero.

Beau: ?

The hero puts Midoriya on Beau's saddle before leaving. Midoriya regains consciousness and looks around, confused as to what happened. Beau and Midoriya went home but as they did, the sludge villain had reformed and was causing trouble. Bakugou and his dragon were on the scene, wanting to battle it but the villain was much bigger when Midoriya and Beau encountered him. Bakugou and his dragon got trapped in the villain's sludge body and couldn't get out. Midoriya and Beau charged in to save them but to no Avail.

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