Idk why part 2.

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Oboro: Fang... hey fang. Remember the day we met?

Fang: How could i forget? It was the day the two of us became friends.

Years ago in the Himalayan mountains...

Oboro: At least someone's keeping up.

???: I'm an outsider too.

Oboro: From where?

???: osaka.

Oboro: *Laughs!*

???: what about you?

Oboro: Me? Sagamihara.

???: *Giggles!*

Oboro: Hey, what's so wrong about that! You know Sagamihara?

???: No, but its such a backwater name.

Oboro: Ditto Osaka.

???: Like you've been there.

Oboro: I haven't, but there's a reactor out there, right? A mako reactor outside of Tokyo usually means

Oboro&???: ...nothing else out there. *Realization followed by giggles.*

Oboro(shouting to those behind): Good news, Amane! Me and...

??? Takes off her helmet.

???: Igawa Asagi but i usually go with fang.

Oboro: Me and Asagi here are outsider experts! Oh yeah!

Amane: good, carry on.

The two keep walking ahead while minding where they stepped as to not slip.

Oboro: So why are you outsider in Osaka?

Asagi: I was always... "Different" from the other kids. Holding a stick in my hand felt right and i would wield it like a sword. When the kids and Adults caught wind of it, they labelled me as different. Somedays i would stop and try to play with other kids but they'd be too scared to even approach me, my sister, My best friend and her brother included.

Oboro(assuming): So you left home to try and get in TAIMANIN, is that right?

Asagi: Yep. But i failed to get in and became SOLDIER. It wasn't ideal but at least i could use my self-taught skills.

Oboro looks into Asagi's eyes and notices that they're blue like the sky.

Oboro: yep, you're definitely a SOLDIER. Your eyes prove it.

Asagi: What about you? Why are you called different in Sagamihara?

Oboro: I don't really know. Its what our mom always told us. As for why i joined Taimanin, i did to protect my sister and mom.

Asagi(saddened): Must be nice having a mom...

Oboro: What's wrong?

Asagi: i never had a good relationship with my mom... every time my sister would do something she's not supposed to, i get in trouble when i try to stop her. I'd always get yelled at, so in order to let it out i'd practice,

Oboro: is there another reason why you wanted to join?

Asagi: no that's pretty much it.

Oboro: Well, how about this? When this mission is done, let's get a bite to eat, my treat.

Asagi: no thanks, i couldn't possibly do that. SOLDIERs are a lower rank than TAIMANINs.

Oboro: yet its not stopping us from talking to each other.

Asagi: I guess so.

Oboro: Use other Taimanin might see you as a peasant but not me. I see everyone as an equal, well except monsters. So what do you say?

Asagi: *Shrugs.* why not? Couldn't hurt.

Oboro: Awesome.


Fang: that was the day we became friends. Best friends.

Oboro: Yeah, it seems so long ago. From a more... simpler time you know?

Fang: yeah...

Oboro: Do me a favour, don't be afraid to use your real name. Ingrid knows your identity and she doesn't want to kill you, also try to be friends with this one. It may seem hard but you'll find a way. You always do,

Fang: Thanks... and About Asuka's limbs. I'm so sorry that happened.

Oboro: Its okay. I'm mad but i'm not mad you, you tried to protect her but even though you failed, you tried and grateful for that.

Fang: thank you but... but my sins run deep.

Oboro; we all have our sins. And we need to atone for them.

Fang: Yeah...


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