Fnaa Night 3

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The following is a parody. Please don't report for this just for fun. Thank you.

At freddy's...

Ingrid(annoyed): We forgot to lock the perp in again....

Oboro: Edwin's gonna have butts, heads and Badges for this one.

Ingrid: I won't tell if you won't.

Meanwhile in Amidahara...

Tom: This just in! Perp and murderer, Yukikaze Mizuki, has Escaped. We now go live to my friend Jim, interviewing Edwin right now. Jim?

Jim: Thanks Tom! So, Mr. Black what do you think of Mizuki Escaping.

Edwin: I assure you we are taking every precaution to capture her again.

Jim: What about Ingrid and Oboro who arrest her?

Edwin: they will be punished for their failure, i assure you,

Jim: That's it for me! Back to you tom!

Tom: thanks Jim! Coming up-


mitico: THERE YOU ARE!

Riku(scared): AHHHH!

Annerose: Where the hell... did you get cable and a TV!?

Riku: Look... when i'm not cleaning the house or making dinner, i take on the smaller cases and get paid for them.

Annerose: that does explain why it seemed like there were fewer requests.

Mitico: Okay, Hand it over, I'm putting it in Miss annerose's room.

Riku: WHAT!? I bought this myself!

Annerose: Sorry Riku.

Riku: aw...

Mitico unplugs it and takes it away.

Riku: It just isn't fair....


Ringing! Beep!

Sakura: Hey Sis, its me! Look, i know you all saw the new last night and i'm just as ashamed as all of you but i need someone to help me out at midnight. I promise you'll get paid by friday. Right now i'm trying to clear Yuki's name so she can stop running.

Sakura Rambles on while Asagi opens a letter that turns out to be an overdue bill. Asagi sighs and picks up the phone.

Sakura: H-hello?

Asagi: Can i wear my Taimanin suit under the uniform?

Sakura: Totally! Thanks for this! I'll pay you back in full. Same with Yuki!

Asagi gets changed and heads to freddy's around midnight.

Its been seven year since i've worked at this place
A part of my life i much regret
Some kids burst in tears, a bear starts eating the face
I try to move on and just forget... but Edwin's Ad system isn't all that great. so...!

Chica and freddy wonder where bonnie is.

What could this be?
It wasn't here before
Its bigger than me!

Maybe its a big BOX!

Obviously, its full of party favours!

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