KH: WOTSW: Idea 3

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Fang: what's the matter with you!?

Kousuke: what?

Fang: i called for an Evasive! I did not call for whiplash!

Kousuke: Geez... sorry.

Fang leaves kousuke in the corridor they were in.

Kousuke: Geez what's her's problem?

Later on...

Fang: Edwin, you called?

Edwin: There's unknown disturbance on a planet called Genshi. There's a Spectrobe fossil research facility there, Take Kousuke and Ingrid and go.

Fang: Yessir.

Meanwhile in a ship about to take off...

Kousuke(cocky): its an emergency, Komainu, fang and and Ingrid can catch up later.

A small pink creatures gets comfortable on a chair and lays on it.

Later after Kousuke lands in genshi, he went on foot and explored the area but while doing so, Some kind of tendril wrapped itself around him. It lifted him up and kousuke saw a womean with purple skin and darker purple hair. The woman laughed at what she had caught,

Kousuke(struggling): What in the....

Kousuke draws a sword and cuts her  hair, freeing himself.

Kousuke: Who ever you are, you're going down! Rydrake, Leozar! Let's do this!

A device in Kousuke's arm lights up and two lights Emerge from it. One   is an armoured lion-like Spectrobe. It has two crescent like structures located at the middle section of each front leg, sporting small stylised flame shapes, and has facial armour similar to a giant shell or shield. It also has a large blade at the end of its tail, resembling a flame. The other resembles a six-legged leopard-like monster covered in grayish-blue armor resembling stone carvings. It has two bladed wings with five talon-feathers each that it uses to fly at high speeds or slash enemies. On its tail is an axe shaped blade, with a smaller pike like one at the end. blade. It has four blade-like horns on its head, that seem to be made of membrane or fur.

???: You seriously want to fight me? How Absolutely precious. Too bad... on PINSKA!

The lady threw a red rock into the air and something lunged up and ate it. The creature landed beside the woman before glowing and changing form.

Kousuke: A dark spectrobe? I thought ingrid was the only one who could control them. Doesn't matter. rydrake, attack!

Rydrake took off and headbutted the dark spectrobe but its attack had no effect. Leozar charged in and lunged to it but the dark spectrobe dodge the attack and hit leozar with its spike ball at the end of its tail,

???: *Laughing manically!*

Kousuke: no way... i can't believe this!

The woman decides to  attack kousuke but he was able to avoid it thanks to Komainu pushing him out of the way.

Fang: Kou! Over here!

Kousuke sees Fang and Ingrid waving to him from inside a cave. Kousuke carried komainu in his hands and jumped to the cave before blacking out.


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