Breakfast time.

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This is fan made. Please give support to the original by Jamezietocool on youtube.

One afternoon in Amidahara...

Annerose: Wake up, Everyone! Breakfast is ready!

Riku: Miss annerose, It's 3 in the afternoon. It's too late for breakfast.

Asagi: So what did you cook for us today, Annerose?

Annerose: I'm glad you asked fellow roommate! One bowl of Rinko puffs for Asagi.

Asagi: Nice.

Annerose: And an Extra strong coffee for Rikurou, to give you 5 times more than your usual motivation.

Riku: 5 times 0 is still 0.


Annerose: Oh, that must be the toast i put in the toaster. Be right back!

Riku and Asagi dig into their late breakfast.

Them: Yuck!

Asagi(sick and disgusted): how the heck did she ruin cereal?

Riku(confused): And how did she mess up coffee? I left instruction near the coffee maker and everything!

"Living room."

Annerose: *Reading strange instructions.*

"Dining room"

Asagi: Maybe she's just not used to making fancy food?

Riku: Maybe we should just stick to Microwave dinners from now on.

Annerose(at mircowave): And place mixture in microwave for 8 to 9 minutes. *Punches in 829.*

Riku(to Asagi): don't want stupidity for Breakfast or lunch... whatever. I get my daily stupidity from mitico everyday.

Asagi(to Riku): Same with Sakura and at times Murasaki. But, What do we do!? I can't keep eating this garbage for the rest of my life!

Riku(to Asagi): Look at it this way. One day we'll all die and it'll all be over.

Annerose: So what did you guys think? Be honest...

Asagi: Well-

Annerose(prideful): ...with your positive reviews that is!

Asagi(Nervous): Oh, um... how do we put this gently?

Riku(to annerose, Deadpan): If this is one long eat sh*t metaphor, then you're doing great buddy.

Annerose: Come on, I think you two are being a bit overdramatic. *Sips the coffee.*

*Siren blaring!*

Asagi: Oh look an ambulance. Anyway, Annerose you suck at cooking, Please stop.

Annerose: I'd like to see you two do better, is what i would say if i could still see.

Asagi&Riku: Bet!

*Insert cooking montage with epic music.*

Asagi: Here, A comedically large bowl with an Extra helping of, "i told you so".

Asagi: Here, A comedically large bowl with an Extra helping of, "i told you so"

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Riku: I made expired corned beef, because i felt lazy today.

Annerose: okay, Ignoring that last one, do i even want to know why this food is pixelated?

Asagi: That just means it's too good to render properly.

Annerose(To asagi): Well if it's too good, then eat it!

Asagi: Fine, i think i will. *takes a spoonful and eats it.* see? This is... Actually really good.

Annerose: Really? *Takes a spoonful.*

Asagi: No, but if i'm going down, i'm taking you with me!

*Both fall over due to food poisoning.*

Mitico, Murasaki &Sakura: Hey everyone, Breakfast already? Oh nice! Half eaten coffee.

*All three bite into it and fall over.*

Riku: Maybe we should just stick to delivery from now on.

Everyone else: *Gives a thumbs up.*

*Later at the hospital...*

Sabato: so how did this all happen? How did they get food poisoning?

Riku: *Explains what happened earlier.*

Sabato: That explains a lot. They'll have to stay here for a few days.

Riku: Works for me. Now i can play Tales of Xillia in peace.

Sabato: don't worry, Nurses Akiyama, Mizuki and Sawaki will take good care of them. They need shots Anyway.

Them(scared): Wait, Shots?

Rinko, Kousuke, Yukikaze and Shiranui enter the room with syringes in their hands.

Them(scared): No, Don't let them near us!

Riku: Bye. *Heads home.*

Them(terrified): No! Rikurou! Save us! SAVE US!!!!!!!!!!!


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