Dark/Fantesy/Magic AU: Dark/Spider Virgil x Scared Reader

Start from the beginning

"y/n... we have to move..." Roman said, as you looked up, Roman showing fear for the first time. you glanced up, almost unable to move from fear as Roman grabbed your arm turning towards the exit, only for both of you to freeze. the web had now woven over the entrance and only exit.

that's when you heard the soft clicking of legs on the ceiling, dirt falling on you as you tried to breath, fear taking over as you tried to force yourself to breath. you held tightly onto Roman's hand but that didn't last long.

all of a sudden strings of webbing zipped down, tying you up quickly, your arms behind your back, your mouth gagged and legs bound together. you would've fallen right over if you weren't immediately swept into a net of sorts and lifted ten feet in the air just hanging there.

you looked over at Roman who was blindfolded, his arms tied at his sides, as the webbing was wrapped around his chest. his knees and feet tied strongly together as he was yelling also in webbing.

whatever the thing from before was, it scurries to the ceiling overhead before lowering in a hammock of sorts, staring at both of you. while Roman screamed threats, though he did shut up when the thing started talking, a few rocks creating a soft glow so you could see.

it was a boy? creature? spider? thing? you couldn't tell, it had brown eyes, yet they somehow shone with purple light, with fluffy bangs covering his forehead and hanging softly over his glowing eyes. he had spider legs coming off his back.

"how did such... unique specimens end up in my cave?" the spider-boy asked, his web-hammock coming closer to Roman as Roman threatened him. the spider-boy appeared to be knitting a tiny sweater with webbing on his fingers. just smirking at Roman.

the net you were in shifted a little and you let out a tiny whimper, drawing both Roman and the spider-boy's attention. Roman glared at the Spider-human before yelling again.

"don't you dare touch them, in any way you monster!" Roman screamed, his blindfold still on as the spider-boy approached you, an eerie smirk on his arm as his eyes scanned you, the fear that was so obvious in your eyes as you cried a little.

"hey there, and how did you end up here, cutie?" It said, its smile widening as you whimpered again, the spider reached a hand into the net, towards your face and pulled the webbing around your mouth, ungagging you.

"there you go..." he said, pulling his hand back out as Roman kept screaming.

"he's the one I really need to gag, huh?" the spider boy asked you, before he drifted closer to Roman. 

"let us go, you nasty creature." Roman screamed as he managed to take off the blindfold.

"and why would I do that?" the creature asked.

"because we have nothing you want, Virgil!" Roman screamed, now seeing the creature as it laughed in his face.

"you have nothing I want, except maybe a meal, and that healer over there, well... they are more valuable..." the spider said, staring around the cave and almost dancing as an acrobat on his web.

"Let us go!" Roman yelled, you tried to speak but your voice just didn't work.

"since this is their first offense, I'll cut you a deal." Virgil said, nodding his head towards you, as you shrunk back.

"I'll let one of you go, and I get to keep the other..." Virgil said nearly pacing as he grew closer to you, Roman glaring.

"how about you let both of us go, and leave us alone." Roman yelled and Virgil just laughed.

"the only other option is that I eat one of you and make the other one watch." Virgil said, continuing to knit another tiny sweater on his fingers, as fear filled both you and Roman's eyes.

"let Roman go." you found yourself saying, before fear consumed your vocal chords again, the spider turning towards you.

"no, they did nothing to get in this mess, let them go." Roman said, but you finally spoke again.

"I won't survive out there Roman, and I'll never find my way back to get help... go." you said, and before you could even think Roman's net was cut as he fell to the ground, the webbing around his growing loose.

"I won't leave without you." Roman called, staring back and drawing his sword.

"pity, they could've been useful." Virgil said, cutting your net as well, but instead of letting you fall, he grabbed you with both arms and a few of his legs. he quickly began wrapping you in webbing, preparing you for the final bite. you wrapped so tight you couldn't struggle.

you were about wrapped to the torso when Roman cried out for him to stop.

"Don't... I'll leave, just don't hurt them." Roman called and Virgil smiled, the webbing snapping as he brushed his hand over it.

"wonderful..." Virgil comments, turning you around to face him, you pulled into his chest.

"I'll get help, stay strong." Roman calls before Virgil forcibly tosses him out of the cave, the webbing quickly weaving itself into an unbreakable cover. now here you were, all alone, with the creepy spider, in the middle of the dark forest. what the heck were you going to do.

Thank you so so much for reading and I really really hope you liked it as much as I liked writing it! I really really hope it was worth it! as always the artwork isn't mine so please give credit to the amazing artist! as always please remember you are loved and special!

Have a fantastic day

Ginger Bread~

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