Chapter 31

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I quietly closed the hotel room door behind me as I took off for the studio.

My heart felt heavy, but I tried to ignore it. I guess Charlotte just didn't like me as much as I thought she did. I sulked inside and took a seat next to George, having been the last to arrive.

"Sorry I'm late, fellas," I mumbled, absentmindedly tuning the strings on my guitar. John must have noticed my rotten mood.

"Havin' girl troubles?" he asked, and even though George and Ringo were busy getting themselves ready to rehurse, I could see their eyes flicker upwards as they gave our conversation their full attention.

"Well, I wouldn't exactly call it 'trouble'," I began carefully. George, Ringo and John all sat around me on the floor, as if this were storytime and I was about to read them their favorite book.

"All I want to do is take care of her and be there for her, but it's like she refuses to let me in," I went on with the lads looking at me with wide eyes. Ringo had a sad expression on his face.

"Maybe she's losing interest in you?" he weakly suggested, knowing that it wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear.

"I was thinking the exact same thing." I sighed, willing myself not to tear up.

Really? In front of the boys? Be a man, McCartney.

George gave me a sympathetic look, but John just rolled his eyes. "Oh please, you really think that is what's goin' on here? Isn't it obvious?" We all looked at him cluelessly, and he rolled his eyes even harder.

"She's showin' all the signs, fellas. I remember going through some of the exact same things when my mother died. C'mon Macca, the same thing happened to you! Don't you see it?"

All of a sudden my mind flashed back to the time when I had first lost my mother. The emptiness. The crying. Wanting to be alone. Pushing everyone away...

An expression of shock mixed with realization must have been on my face, because John gave a sly smile. "See? I know she might be actin' like she don't need ya, but really she needs ye more than ever. Don't give up, Paul." I gave John a smile. He always knew how to make me feel better.

"Thanks, Lennon."

From then on I was determined to be there for Charlotte in every way possible, no matter how unwanted I felt.

"So George," John said, turning in George's direction. "How was yer night last night after you left the pub with that bird? Did ye shag?"

George blushed a deep red and Ringo let out a hearty laugh.

He was saved from giving John an answer when Brian burst through the door. "That's enough talking, fellas. We have some real work to do here. I just need to use the restroom, and when I return we're taking it from the top so you better be ready!"


"Good job today lads. I'll see you all again on Thursday."

I began to pack my guitar back into it's case when John came over and nudged me in the ribs. "Go get yer girl back, eh?" he said quietly so that no one else could hear. I gave him a smile and wiggled my eyebrows.

"Of course I will. I'm Paul McCartney, remember?"

He laughed and punched me in the shoulder. "Don't get too carried away, Macca." I laughed back and grabbed my guitar case, flying out the door and back towards the hotel.


I opened the door to find Charlotte sitting on the couch, crying.

My eyebrows knit together as I made my way over to her. Before I could say anything, she looked up at me and sighed.

"Oh Paul, thank goodness you're home. Watch TV with me, this show is so sad."

I glanced up at the screen and willed myself with every bone in my body not to burst out laughing.

"Charlotte, the news is on."

She burst into a new round of tears. "Exactly! Look, they rescued a kitten from a tree!"

I could smell the alcohol on her breath, and while it made me feel awful to know that she felt like she needed to drink her pain away, I couldn't help but let out a genuine chuckle. I sat down on the couch next to her and placed my hand on her back.

"It's okay, Char. It's not sad, see? They rescued him. It's a good story."

She sniffled. "I guess you're right." She turned to me, the sadness gone from her eyes as she gave me an excited smile. "How was rehursal? I would have loved to have come."

I frowned. "I thought you said you didn't want to?"

She snorted. "Yeah, because I didn't want to be a nuisence. I've caused you enough trouble and pain already." She remarked casually before her hands flew up over her mouth.

"Oops, don't tell Paul I said that."

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