Chapter 8

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"C'mon Rings, let us in!" I cried, pounding on the door once again. I heard a muffled giggle come from Ringo through the door, and a lot of shuffling around followed it.

"What the bloody hell is he doin' in there?" John cried out in exasperation.

"Ringo, you better let us in or I'll--" I was interrupted mid-sentence by the sound of the lock clicking open. I stepped back, being taken by surprise.

"Finally!" George cried. "I'm exhausted!" he barged through the door, me and John following him in.

"Oh, hello boys," Ringo said casually. "How did the search go?"

"It was awful," I scoweled, collapsing on the couch. "What are you doing back so early, anyway? I thought we all agreed to stay out until 9."

Ringo shrugged. "I just got tired, I suppose."

He seemed to be in an awful good mood - I was kind of suspicious.

"Well boys, we should get some sleep. We have a day full of fun opportunities ahead of us!" Ringo said, as he went off to his room.

Ah, yes. I had forgotten tomorrow would be the first day of our week off. I decided to take Ringo's advice and get into bed. I know it was still pretty early, but there was no way my thoughts were going to let me sleep easily. I haven't been able to stop thinking about her since the interview this morning.

God, I hope we find her.

"Goodnight, boys," I called to George and John as the shuffled off to their rooms.

"Goodnight, Paul!" they said in unison.

Before getting into bed, I staggered to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea. The hot steam rising up into my face made me drowsy, and by the time I entered my room my eyes were barely open.

I dragged my feet over to the dresser as I undressed and pulled on my pajamas. I let out a huge yawn and was about to climb under the covers when I heard an enchanting, song-like voice.

"Er, Paul? Is that you?"

My tea cup smashed onto the floor as it fell out of my hands.

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