Chapter 1 - 1965

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"Charlotte, get out of bed. You can't stay there all day."
I slowly opened my eyes and searched for the face that matched the voice of my father, but he had already disappeared from the doorway.

I gazed around my room, amazed at how overwhelmingly large it looked now that it was half empty.

A lot had changed over the past 3 years.

I had to force myself to get out of bed, not even bothering to dress before I trudged downstairs. No breakfast awaited me on the table, only a deafening silence that filled the whole house. I looked out the window to find my father's car already gone, meaning I was home alone.

I walked back through the kitchen, catching my hip on the end of the corner. I winced in pain, letting out a sharp gasp. Although hip-bumping a counter is painful under any circumstances, the raw cuts on my hips made it hurt twice as much.

I had developed this....problem, as well as a few others since Elizabeth died.

But I don't want to bore you with those details.

Unsure of what else to do, I glided over to the phone and subconsciously dialed my mother's new phone number. It rang for a long time before she picked up, making me think that she had probably been questioning whether she should even pick up at all.

"Hello?" she croaked. Her voice had lost that playful touch that it once had, but at the time I hardly seemed to notice.

I meant to say hello back, but when my mouth opened all that came out was, "Please, come home."

Silence from the other line.

Finally, a deep breath. "Charlotte, I can't- at least not just yet. I need some time to myself."

After a few more lame exchanges, we said goodbye and I hung up the phone. Not knowing what else to do, I dragged my feet into the living room where I collapsed onto the couch. Turning on the TV, the first thing I saw was none other than James McCartney, which by then I had learned he went by the name Paul now.
'You should have stayed with him, you would be dating a rock star!', said Elizabeth's voice in my mind, recalling what she had said to me that morning at breakfast only 3 years ago, which felt like a lifetime. I sighed heavily as a tear escaped my eye, followed by several more. I prepared myself for yet another breakdown, which I expected to come any minute now.

Things just haven't been the same since we lost Elizabeth in the accident.

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