Chapter 19

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I awoke, but I did not allow my eyes to open. The bed was so comfortable and I had been so tired that I didn't want the comfort to end. Then, I remembered last night. Well, parts of it, anyway.

I quickly rolled over, my hands patting around the bed in a frantic search, but the bed was empty. I was nervous for only a moment when I heard the faint sound of water running, and I drew a sigh of relief. She was only in the shower. I sat up in bed, racking my mind to remember what had happened last night before we went to sleep. I remember Charlotte being upset, but what about? I couldn't remember, something about Elizabeth, maybe? She seemed to be upset about that a lot lately.

As I was about to get out of bed, I heard a quiet yelp of pain come from inside the bathroom. Brows furrowed, I went over to the door and knocked.

"Char? You okay in there?" I heard a loud boom from the other side.

"Oh-Paul! You scared me! I didn't know you were up!" said her muffled voice. I chuckled quietly, so she wouldn't hear me. "Yes, I'm fine, I just...stubbed my toe on the side of the tub, is all," she said in a rushed voice. Not fully convinced, I was slow to answer.

"Hm, okay. Better hurry out though, tea will be out in just a minute!" I called to her as I left the bedroom and entered the kitchen. Just as I poured the tea out into two cups, Charlotte emerged from the bedroom.

"G'mornin', love," I said warmly. I smiled. I could get used to this every morning. She smiled back. "Good morning, Paul."

She walked over and sat at the counter across from me. A little hesitantly, I asked her what I had been dying to know all morning.

"Charlotte..." I started, causing her to look up from her mug of tea. "What had we been talking about before bed last night?"

Her eyes looked empty as she stared at the wall across the room. Just as I was about to ask again, a little louder this time, she slowly answered me.

"I don't really remember, Paul. I was pretty out of it, myself."

Well, that made sense to me. I waited for her to continue, but yet again, she didn't.

"We should head back down and join the boys soon, it's getting late and I'm sure they're beginning to wonder where we are," I said, glancing down at my watch. She nodded in agreement.


Fifteen minutes later, we were both dressed and ready to go. I held her hand tightly as we walked down the hallway. I know I couldn't exactly remember what she had been so upset about last night, but I did remember that it wasn't good, and I wanted her to know that I was here for her. I knocked on the door quietly, not knowing if the lads were all awake yet. My suspicions confirmed, George opened the door slowly.


"Shh, John and Rings are still sleepin'," George whispered, motioning for us to come inside. Ringo was sprawled out on the couch, and John must have been in his room. Paul and I went inside, but stayed close to the door.

"I've been bored all mornin', how 'bout I get dressed and we all go for a walk or somethin'?" George said quietly, and Paul and I simultaneously shook our heads in agreement.

"I'll be right back!" George tip-toed off to his room. A few minutes later, he reappeared.

"Okay, let's go!"

We all walked along the sidewalk, my hand intertwined with Paul's. Just so he wouldn't feel left out, I linked my arm through George's. It seemed to lift his mood a bit. Not really sure of our destination, we kept walking on. Suddenly, I recognized where we were. I broke into a sweat. Before I could get us to change our direction, George pulled out from next to me and ran ahead.

"Guys, look! A graveyard!" He turned back to face us, a mischievous grin on his face. "Maybe it's haunted, eh?" He bounded past the gates.

I nervously glanced over at Paul, but he looked just as excited as George.

"C'mon, Charlotte, it could be fun!" he said, pulling me along with him. We went to go find George, but we didn't have to look long. He had stopped running, and was stopped in front of one grave in particular. I nearly thought I was going to be sick. I recognized the grave in a second.


Paul and I walked up beside George, and he looked over at me. "Elizabeth Bell....Isn't that your last name? Did you know her?"

I felt Paul tense up beside me. I felt the tears building up behind my eyes as I tried to find the words to answer him, but I just couldn't.

I-I have to go," I said quietly, and I turned and ran out of the graveyard as fast as I could.

"George, you idiot! That was her sister!" I heard Paul yell.

But I didn't look back. I had to get out of there.

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