Chapter 29

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I woke up that morning to the delicious smell of waffles. 

My eyes opened slowly and I breathed in deeply, the aroma of cinnamon and sugar filling my nostrils. I smiled to myself.

"Waffles already made for me? Someone must love me, huh?" I half-joked, feeling my cheeks get warm.

Bold move, McCartney.

I awaited a sarcastic response from Charlotte, but she didn't answer. I poked my head up from the side of the couch. "Charlotte? Are you there, love?" 

I noticed a folded sheet of paper sitting up on the counter next to a big plate of waffles. Raising my eyebrow slightly, I forced myself up off the couch and walked over to the kitchen. I read the note,

Dear Paul,

I couldn't sleep, so I made you your favorite and went out to get some fresh air. I'll be back soon!

                        xoxo, Charlotte

I smiled as I folded the note back up and slipped it into my pocket. How was it possible for just a few words written on paper to be so goddamn adorable? I made myself comfortable at the kitchen counter and ate my way through the mountain of waffles. All made just for me, too, I thought to myself smugly. Once I had finished my breakfast, which was quite delicious I might add, I returned to the couch and clicked the television on. I glanced at the clock. It was nearly noon now, and Charlotte still wasn't home. I didn't even know exactly how long she had been gone.

I started getting nervous. What if she had gotten herself into trouble? My mind wandered back to the day where her and I had gone on that walk through the park with George. What if I hadn't chased after her, what would have happened? I couldn't stand the thought.

My mind suddenly in panic mode, I threw my coat on over my pajamas and ran out the door. Where I was going exactly, I didn't know. All I knew was that I needed to find her.

Walking out into the cold air, I wrapped my coat tightly around myself as I set off down the street, my eyes scanning every store and alley that I passed. I became more worried with every step I took. 

"Charlotte? Charlotte??" I called, my eyes wandering in every possible direction. I passed a dark alley that resided next to an old, beat up pub. An older man was in the alley and he was holding a woman's face in his hands. "Ye shouldn't have done that, miss. Now I'm really gonna show ye how nice I can be..." I heard him mutter as he leaned in and began to kiss the girl passionately. She wasn't kissing him back at all. In fact, she looked rather lifeless as her long black hair flew around weightlessly.

Long black hair...

I was filled with an instant rage as I felt my veins pump adrenaline through my entire body. I stormed down into the alley and pushed the disgusting man off of her, her body falling limply to the ground. I could see the purplish bruise that was forming on the right side of her head, and I felt hot tears sting my eyes.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I roared. He swayed back and forth slowly and I could smell the alcohol on his breath. 

"I was...Just..." 

"You disgust me." I wound my arm back and swung it around, nailing him right in the jaw. He stumbled backwards and hit the brick wall of the alley before he slowly sunk to the ground. I grabbed my clenched fist and wailed out in pain. My knuckles had begun to bleed.

Shit, that hurt. I have to admit, it did feel pretty good though.

I whipped around to face Charlotte, lying on the ground. I ran over to her and held her face in my hands as I examined her injuries. Her temple was swelling red now, and she had a few cuts on her cheeks and lips. I couldn't believe this poor girl's luck. I kissed every inch of her face, saving her lips for last.

"I'm so sorry, Charlotte," I whispered as I lifted her up into my arms. Before walking back home, I poked my head into the bar and glared at the man behind the counter.

"You need to keep better track of your customers," I growled through clenched teeth, slamming the door behind me as I took off towards the hotel. As I walked, I talked to Charlotte. "It's okay, you'll be okay," I cooed, tucking her hair behind her ears and stroking her face as if she were a baby instead of a nineteen year old girl.

Upon our return to our hotel room, I laid Charlotte carefully down onto the couch and into the mess of pillows and blankets that I had been sleeping in the night before. The first thing I did was call the doctor.

"This is Liverpool's Pediatrics Office, how may I help you?"

"Doctor Brockman? Is that you? I need your help! Are temple wounds serious? Will she be oka-?"

"Woah woah, slow down sport. Is this Mr. McCartney?"

"Yes, it's me sir."

"Can you please calmly tell me what happened, Paul?"

"She got hit in the temple and she's unconcious. Is she going to be okay? Should I bring her in? What do I do?"

The line was silent for a moment as Dr. Brockman thought.

"Give her about an hour. She should wake up by then and be fine, besides a headache of course. If she doesn't wake by then, bring her in and I'll take a look at her."

I smiled in relief. "Thank you, Doctor."

I got a cold cloth to put on her head, and I cleaned up the cuts that she had on her face. As I finished tucking the blankets in around her I gave her a kiss on the forehead and settled onto the couch next to her.

I let out a long sigh. What else could I do now except wait for her to wake up? I turned the telly on and sat back, trying to relax a little. How could such a nice morning turn into something so horrifying?

After about fifteen minutes Charlotte began muttering things in her sleep, a sign to me that she was beginning to wake up. I heard her say my name a few times, which made me smile. But then she said something that wiped that smile right off my face.

"I-I can't, Paul."

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