Chapter 12

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"Remember when we first started dating and I accidentally thought Elizabeth was you?" I asked Charlotte. I could feel the warmth rising into my cheeks, but I didn't care. I was having such a wonderful time with her. I knew bringing her back here would make her happy - plus it served as a little reminder of how happy we were together in high school.

She started to smile, but then her expression went cold. Before I knew what to say, she began to cry. My eyes widened with worry.

"What is it, love?"

She sighed loudly as the cries kept on coming.

"Charlie, love, please tell me what's been going on."

Her expression went from sad to angry within a second.

"Don't you dare call me Charlie!" she sobbed.

Before I could react, she jumped up and ran off.

"Charlotte, wait!!" I shouted, taking off after her. But she had already disappeared from my sight.

"CHARLOTTE!" I called her name.

No answer, though I did earn a few puzzled looks from some people standing nearby. I sighed. Unsure of what else to do, I began strolling down the street.

I was more shocked than anything about Charlotte's sudden outburst. I knew she was upset about Elizabeth, but I had no idea she was so sensitive about it. I wanted to reach out to her, to help her, but I just didn't know how. I mean, I thought bringing her back to the school would help, and look where that got me. She probably hated me now.

But I was determined. This girl was something special to me, and I wasn't going to lose her again. With a newly found sense of courage, I took off down the street with a spring in my step.


Hey guys, sorry about the short chapter but I really needed to get Paul's thoughts into this part!

Thanks so much to everyone that has read so far! It'd be really helpful if you guys left some comments - I'm dying to know what you all think of the story so far.

Thank you!

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