Chapter 4

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Now all there was left to do was wait- wait and see if she wanted me, too.

But, evidently, it wasn't that simple. I really should have thought out my plan more thoroughly.

Even if she did see it, how was I going to find her?

I could have announced the name of our hotel, but that was way too risky. Imagine the mob of fans that would attract?

Maybe I should have discussed it with the lads, because afterwords I figured they would be mad that I hadn't consulted them first.

Surprisingly enough, I was completely wrong. I think they were actually happy for me.

"Some balls ye got!" John laughed, slapping my shoulder once we were backstage after the interview. All I could give him was a nervous laugh.

"I knew ye was still crazy about her, but not like that!" George added.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you lads all this time!" I cried.

"So, now that the message is out, how do you plan on findin' the bird?" Ringo asked me. John and George gazed my way with him, awaiting an answer.

I was speechless. Were the boys actually offering to help me get her back?

"Well, I haven't quite figured that part out yet..."

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