Chapter 7

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An awkward silence hung in the air as I processed what he had just said.

It's only been a few hours since the interview, and Paul is already out looking for me?
"Well you're out looking for him, too," I reminded myself in my head.

"Wait," I nearly shouted, "so you're Rin-?"
Ringo quickly put his finger over his lips, motioning for me to follow him outside. The cool air made me shiver as we exited the café.
"I can't believe I found you so fast!" Ringo laughed. "The lads aren't gonna believe this!" He could hardly contain his excitement.
"Um...would you mind filling me in here?"
Ringo laughed again.

"Well I'm assuming you saw the interview this morning, no?"

"Well yes, but-"

"Then what are ye confused about? I was here lookin' for ya! The other lads are probably still in their disguises, tryin' to find ye too..." he trailed off, deep in thought. Only after a moment's pause, he lit up again.
"C'mon, lass! Follow me! We gotta get to the hotel! The boys should be back soon..."
With that, I picked up my bag and I made my way down the street with Ringo Starr.

It was a six block walk to their hotel, and the entire time Ringo was throwing me sideways glances. He acted like he was intrigued that I hadn't been "starstruck" when I met him, and he seemed to be anticipating my explosion of screams and cries. When we finally arrived at the hotel, I thought I noticed him sigh in relief.

"Well, here we are...The lads should be back soon, so we can wait up in the room..."
He fumbled around, looking for the room key as we made our way upstairs.

When we arrived, Ringo opened the door with a click.
"Welcome to our humble, make yourself at home..."
I laughed as Ringo hurried around the room in a frenzy to make room for me to sit down. He seemed really nervous around me for some reason.

I sat down, and Ringo made his way to the kitchen.

"Can I get you something to drink, love? Some tea, perhaps?"

"Tea sounds lovely, thank you."

There were a few minutes of silence, other than the clinking of the spoon inside the tea as Ringo stirred it around. He made his way over with two cups, handing one off to me.

"So, tell me about yourself, Charlotte," he said, leaning back in his seat.

I went to speak, but quickly decided against it. What was I going to say? "I used to be happy, but my sister/best friend is dead and my family has been torn apart and now I suffer because of it every day of my life"?
I don't think so.

"Oh, there isn't much to tell," I laughed casually, hoping he wouldn't be able to tell that I was lying. Luckily, he didn't seem to notice. "Tell me more about you, I'm sure being a Beatle must be very exciting. His eyes seemed to light up at the opportunity to talk about himself.

"Oh, being a Beatle is a lot of hard work, but great fun!" Ringo exclaimed. "Especially lately...We've been busy every day nearly all day. But today marks the first day of a week-long break for us," he said with relief in his voice.

"Oh, that's good! What do you all plan on do-?"

Before I could finish my question, there was a loud banging on the door and a muffled (yes distantly familiar) voice coming from the other side:

"Ringo, are ye in there? We don't have an extra key, and we didn't find Charlotte, so I'm a tad bummed..."

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