Chapter 36

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John and I walked out into the hallway followed by Cynthia, leaving Charlotte and Julian alone in the hotel room. I had to admit, I was a bit nervous about leaving them in there together. I had no idea whether she was good with children or not. It was a thought that had never occurred to me.

"So what exactly called for this little meetin'?" John asked, slinging his arm around Cynthia's shoulder. I gave him a sly smile.

"Actually, it's just that," I said, gesturing towards the couple. I received two very confused looks.


I smiled even wider as I pulled a small box out of my coat pocket.

Cynthia gasped. "Oh, Paul!" she cried, running over to me and snatching the box from my grasp. John let out a laugh as she opened it, gasping again. "It's beautiful! Oh Paul, she'll love it!" John gave me a slap on the shoulder. "Congratulations, Macca. You two deserve it." Cynthia closed the box and handed it back to me. "When are you going to ask her?" she asked excitedly. John laughed again. "You better make it soon, or Cyn might do it for ya." She rolled her eyes in his direction.

"Well, that's the thing," I said, placing the box delicately back into my pocket. "I want it to be really special. I want her to be taken completely by surprise."

Cynthia was nearly jumping up and down in anticipation. "Oh, don't worry! I'll help you plan the perfect proposal!" she cried, and John and I both let out a laugh.

"Thank you, Cyn," I said gratefully. She smiled.

"If you come back over tomorrow, we can start to plan things out. I would say we can start now, but I feel bad leaving Charlotte in there alone with Julian. He can be such a handful," she said with a laugh. I had nearly forgotten about it myself. "You're right, we should get back in there."

We all made our way back into the small hotel room.

Inside, Julian was sitting alone on the couch. His hands were clasped tightly over his eyes, and he was mumbling quietly to himself.

"Jules, honey, what are you doing?" she asked. His hands flew from his eyes and he quickly put a finger over his mouth.

"Shhh. I'm counting," he said. Suddenly he called out. "Here I come!"

We all watched on curiously as Julian boosted himself off the couch and toddled around the room. With a concentrated look on his face, he wandered aimlessly around the living room before making his way into the bedroom. Seconds later, we heard him cry out.

"Found you!"

Quickly following was Charlotte's muffled voice. "No you didn't! I'm just a lump under the blanket!" Julian let out a little giggle.

"No you're not!" The bed creaked as he jumped onto the bed Charlotte was 'hiding' on, causing her to let out a groan.

"Oh no you didn't!" she cackled in a mock-evil voice. "Now I'm really gonna get you!"

Julian squealed as he ran out into the living room, followed by Charlotte. She had the comforter from the bed draped around her shoulders like a cape, and her arms were spread out like wings as she chased him.

"I'm gonna get you-!"

She stopped in her tracks when she saw us, her cheeks turning a deep red. "Oh, err...I didn't hear you guys come back in," she said, embarrassed. Julian let out a giggle from behind the couch, where he had gone to take cover.

I felt the goofiest smile plastered on my face, but I didn't care. I never knew how good Charlotte was with children, and I especially never realized what an attractive quality it could be in a person. It made me want to marry her a hundred times more than I already did. I glanced over at Cynthia and John, and I could tell they were thinking the same thing I was.

She would be a fantastic mother.

She quickly stood up straight and took the blanket off from around her, squinting her eyes at Julian. "I'll finish with you later, mister," she said, wagging her finger at him. He laughed again. She turned back to us, the color of her cheeks just about back to normal.

"Where did you guys go?"

I glanced nervously at John, but Cynthia thankfully jumped in. "Oh, just a bunch of boring old business talk. Nothing exciting, I can assure you!" She laughed as she made her way over into the kitchen. "I'm starved, aren't you? I think I'll get supper going now." Charlotte raised her eyebrow slightly, but she didn't say anything. John walked over to Julian and tossed him into the air before carrying him back over to us.

"So ye like Charlotte, huh Jules?" he asked him, and Julian hid his face in John's neck.

"Charlie!" he squealed. John laughed. "Close enough."

I laughed with him and glanced over at Charlotte, but she wasn't laughing. She had the most peculiar look on her face, but before I could say anything she snapped out of it with a smile. Reaching out, she placed one of her big fingers into Julian's little palm. "I think I can get used to that nickname," she said softly. Julian gave her finger a tight squeeze before letting go. John cleared his throat.

"Why don't you two sit down, and I'll get us all a little something to drink," he said, walking into the kitchen. I took a seat on the couch next to Charlotte and put my arm around her shoulder.

"You were wonderful with Julian, love," I said softly to her, and she smiled affectionately back at me.

"I could say the same about you."

John came over with two beers in his hands, handing them off to Charlotte and I. We drank and chatted for some time before Cynthia called in to us.

"Dinner is served!"

Seated at the table together, we ate a delicious home-cooked meal and talked with each other. Full of beer and good food, I felt warm and smug inside. Surrounded by the people I love and doing what I love. I could absolutely get used to this. I didn't want the night to end but, unfortunately, all good things must.

Especially if I wanted to start planning my proposal to Charlotte tomorrow. I was going to need my sleep.

"I hate to be the buzz kill here, but we should really be heading home now," I said when the time was nearing midnight. I could tell that Charlotte was having just as good of a time as I was, but I also noticed her constant yawning and had to remind her of the therapy session that she had scheduled for the morning. We said our goodbyes and made the cold walk back to our own hotel.

"Tonight was just lovely, wasn't it?" Charlotte asked from her side on the bed. I was changing out of my clothes and into my pajamas. Collapsing onto the soft comforter, I gazed up at her.

"Just lovely."

She smiled brightly in content, and I realized that this was the happiest I had seen her in a long time. Tonight had brought more happiness to her than any therapy session possibly could. Smiling back at her, I inched closer and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into my chest. She sighed out in comfort as she adjusted her face to rest comfortably in the crook of my neck. Running my fingers up and down her back softly, only minutes passed before she was asleep.

I let my eyes drift shut as I realized that happiness had a whole new meaning to me now.

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