Chapter 11

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"Get up, little lass! It's party time!" I heard through the door, accompanied by some banging. I rolled my eyes. John.

I yawned as I rose out of bed and swung me feet over and onto the floor. Before I could get any further than that, Paul bursted through my door.

"G'mornin', love!" he said with a big smile. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Someones quite the morning person," I commented, and he laughed.

"C'mon, we got a fun-filled day ahead of us!" He left me to get ready, and I couldn't help but smile. I made the nicest outfit possible out of the random clothes I had packed and went to join the boys outside. I found them sitting in the living room, but only Paul seemed ready to go.

"Aren't we all going out?" I asked, confused.

"Well, Paulie says he'd like to take you out alone first," John said, rolling his eyes in Paul's direction, "But after that we'll meet you two at the pub three blocks down!"

"Oh, okay," I said. Paul looked up at me with a shy smile on his face.

"Ready to go, love?" he asked. I smiled and nodded. "Let's go!"

He held his arm out to me and I took it as we stepped out into the fresh air.

"So where are we headed?" I asked him, gazing up at his strikingly handsome face. He gave me a smirk.

"You'll see when we get there."

We took a vaguely familiar route, but I couldn't quite figure out what was so familiar about it.

"Okay, we're about a block away, so close your eyes until we get there," Paul said excitedly. Confused, but mostly curious, I put my hand over my eyes, covering them. Using my other arm to cling onto Paul for guidance, we walked for about another five minutes. Finally, I felt him squeeze my arm.

"Okay! We're here! Open your eyes!"

I slowly lifted my hand from my eyes, only to see my old high school. Or our high school, I should say. I looked in amazement as a flood of emotions waved over me. I smiled, looking at Paul. He was already staring at me, a huge smile on his face.

"Amazing, eh?" he said, hesitantly placing his arm around my shoulder. I let him.

"This is...Wow," I said, looking up at the school that I had loved. His smile got even bigger as we walked up to the school doors.

"Remember when you and I used to sit on this bench after school and do our homework?" Paul asked me, nodding his head in the direction of a beaten-up wooden bench. I smiled up at him.

"More like me doing my homework and you copying."

"Hey, in my defense..."

We sat on the bench must have stayed there for at least an hour just reminiscing about our past. I had to admit, it was wonderful. Paul looked over at me.

"Remember when we first started dating and I accidentally thought Elizabeth was you?" Paul asked, turning pink from embarrassment even thinking about the silly mistake. I started to laugh, but my expression immediately went cold. Elizabeth had gone through this school together, and she had been a friend to me when no one else was. Before I could stop it, my face crumpled up and I began to cry. Paul looked alarmed.

"Love, what is it?"

I sighed. I would have to tell him.

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