Chapter 5

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Even though the TV had been off for about 10 minutes, I was still sitting on the couch staring at the blank screen in disbelief.

Had that really just happened?

Paul really still had feelings for me, after all this time?

I couldn't believe it.

So now what was I supposed to do? Go and try to find him? How on Earth would I do that?

I contemplated the idea, figuring I needed a good excuse to keep Elizabeth off my mind anyway. Maybe a little project like this would be good for me.

But after everything I had been through lately, was I really ready for a relationship? I was going through one of the hardest times in my life. My best friend was gone, my mother had left and my father was so distant he may as well of been gone as well. I know that he was trying to be strong, for my sake; but he was clearly at his breaking point.

I didn't want to lead Paul on, but I figured I should at least have the courtesy to meet him after what he did for me.

Making my final decision, I dashed upstairs. I entered my bedroom; I could no longer stand to be present in it. The dull, empty space that Elizabeth had left in it made me extremely uncomfortable, I barely slept in the room myself anymore. My eyes scanned the room quickly before I grabbed a duffel bag, stuffing randomly-picked clothes inside and whatever money I could scavange. I figured that I had no idea where this would lead me, and I may as well be prepared for the worst.

I made my way downstairs. I considered leaving a note for my father, before I realized he probably wouldn't even notice I had left.

And with that, I left the house. Where exactly I was headed, who knows.

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