Chapter 10

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I crept out of her room, carefully pulling the door shut behind me. I could feel the huge grin plastered on my face, but I didn't care.

I couldn't believe Charlotte was actually here!

As I entered the living room, too excited to sleep now, I was taken by surprise when I found John, George and Ringo already in there. Ringo had the biggest goofy smile on his face.

"You two shag already?" John asked. George and Ringo laughed with him. I could feel my cheeks turning red.

"No, we haven't! We were just talking."

"Oohh, Paulie's blushin'!" George hooted, and the boys laughed even harder. I was embarrassed and slightly annoyed with them, but I couldn't help but smile. How could I not? Charlotte was here!

After the lads had finished having a good laugh, they said good night again and headed to their rooms, hopefully this time for good. Not wanting to ask Charlotte to leave my room, I set myself up on the couch with some pillows and blankets. Plus, the living room was right outside my room, so I was close to her.

"What are you, 16 again?" I thought to myself. How this girl still managed to have such an effect on me, I didn't know. I had nearly drifted off to sleep when I heard a voice coming from my room:

"Oh, I wish you were here to see it, Elizabeth," I heard Charlotte say. "It was the cutest thing - and when he first saw me! I nearly fainted."

I realized she must be having a conversation with her sister, which nearly broke my heart. They used to be so close; she must have been so heartbroken that she was gone.

But when I asked her about it, she shrugged it off like it was a pet that died rather than her sister. What didn't she want me to know? I felt slightly guilty as I continued to listen to her talk to Elizabeth.

"I just don't know what to do, Liz," she said, sadness creeping into her voice. "He still makes me feel the same way he did so many years ago...But look at me! I'm a mess without you, Lizz! He would never want me like this!" she cried as a sob escaped her lips. With that, her conversation with Elizabeth seemed to end, and she continued to cry with heartbreaking sobs.

I lay on the couch, completely torn. I felt awful. Should I go in and comfort her? What if she got angry that I had heard everything she said? Maybe she didn't want my comfort.

Before I could decide exactly what to do, her sobs subsided. She must have fallen asleep.

I decided that I would give her the most fun-filled week ever with the Beatles, that ought to help cheer her up.

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