Chapter 15

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I opened my eyes only to quickly squint them shut again, blinded by the morning light. I rolled over in an unfamiliar bed, wincing at the pain of my massive headache. I groaned as I sat up. What had happened last night? I remembered getting to the bar with Paul, but the rest was a blur.

I heard faint footsteps and a muffled voice from the other side of the door. Probably Paul. I looked around the room, trying to figure out where I was. It looked faintly like the Beatles' hotel room, but I saw no one's possessions anywhere in the room, so I couldn't of been there.

Before I could decide what to do, I heard the door creak open. Turning around to see who it was, I saw Paul's head poking in through the door.

"G'mornin', love", he said, slowly making his way over to the bed and sitting down. Without a seconds hesitation, he comfortably reached over and began running his fingers through my hair.

"What happened last night?" I asked him, allowing him to keep stroking my hair. It was very calming.

"Ye drank a bit too much, love," he murmured softly. I gave myself a mental facepalm. I had promised myself I wouldn't let myself get carried away, yet here I was, confused and madly hungover. Ever since we had lost Elizabeth, I had found myself drinking more and more. I really didn't mean to, I knew it was a disgusting habit. It never left me feeling very good, but at least for that short period of time I didn't have to feel the pain of missing Elizabeth. I sighed as I felt the tears well up in my eyes. I looked over at Paul, knowing that I couldn't hide it from him anymore. 

"Paul, I'm so sorry for ruining your night," I wailed, letting the tears spill over. His expression was full of concern and understanding, and in that moment I couldn't of been more thankful that I had him there with me. 

"Ye didn't ruin anything, love. I know what you're goin' through," he cooed. Positioning myself more comfortably, I took a deep breath.

"Paul, we need to talk. I need to tell you-"

His finger covered my lips.

"You don't owe me any explanation. I didn't want to bring you back into our big, shared hotel room last night, so I checked us in to a smaller room right next door. Take your time cleanin' yerself up, and come out when you're ready for breakfast. Or should I say, lunch." He laughed as he looked down at his watch.

With that, he gave me a kiss on the forehead and promptly walked out of the room. 

A bit taken back, I slowly rose from the bed and made my way to the bathroom. I turned the hot water on and got ready to get into the shower. My eyes scanned the interior of the shower, landing on the cheap, disposable razor on the rim of the tub. Desperate to feel any pain at all other than the pain of being without Elizabeth, I grabbed the razor, ripping it apart and removing the blade. Standing under the hot, steamy water, I slid the blade across my upper thigh. Sighing in relief, all I could think of was Paul.

I would need to talk to him soon. But not today.

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