Chapter 38

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I sat on the couch waiting for Paul to get home, seething with rage. I was just dying to know what stupid story he was going to give me when I confronted him about seeing him with Cynthia. Oh, and just wait until I tell John! I would most certainly be giving him a call!

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door clicking open.

I spun around to face the doorway, arms crossed. He bounded through the door with a smug smile on his face.

Ugh. He makes me sick.

"Hello there, love," he said sweetly, wrapping his arms around me. I nearly burst into tears on the spot. How could he be out cheating on me and then come home and put on this loving act?

He must of noticed my foul mood, because he pulled back and gave me a confused look. "Is something wrong, darling?" I put on a bitter smile. "No no, things couldn't be better, really."

He gave me a worried look, and beads of sweat broke out on his forehead.

"W-what did you do all day, Charlotte?" he asked nervously, suddenly at a loss for words. I sneered. I'd caught him, and he knew it. I wasn't going to be the one to give it away though. This game was too fun.

"Oh, nothing really," I said casually, wandering around the room. "I took a walk. I might have passed John and Cynthia's hotel, but I can't really remember." Now he looked really nervous. It took every ounce of willpower I had not to crack a smile.

"Y-you weren't going to go visit them, were you?" he asked as casually as possible, but I could see right through him. I gave a small smile. "Oh, I considered it. But once I passed the hotel I just...lost interest and came right back home."

His face had completely drained of color, and he looked like he was going to be sick. I almost felt bad for him.


"I'm sorry to hear that love," he said quietly, trying to collect himself. "I've had a rather long day, though. I think I'll take a nap." I nodded silently and watched him as he slowly walked into the bedroom with his head down like a child being put into time out. The whole way there he eyed me suspiciously, and I stared back narrowly. 

As soon as he pulled the door shut behind him, I raced over to the telephone that was on the coffee table in the living room and dialed John's number, an evil grin spread across my face.



As soon as the door closed behind me, I ran to the telephone that was on my nightstand and dialed Cynthia's number as quickly as possible. It only rang once before she answered.


"Cynthia! It's me, Paul. Look, you gotta help me. I think Charlotte knows about my plan to propose!" I cried in a whisper. I didn't want her overhearing me.

I could hear her gasp on the other line. "Paul! Did you give it away?" she scolded. I wiped my now clammy hands on the leg of my trousers, fiddling with the phone cord as I spoke. "No, of course not! But when I got home today Charlotte said that she had gone for a walk and might have passed your hotel, and she seemed mad!"

Cynthia paused a moment before answering. "Mad? If she knew you were going to propose, why would it make her mad?"

I opened my mouth to answer, but quickly shut it when I realized she had a good point. 

There were muffled sounds on Cynthia's end, and I thought maybe we were loosing connection. Then suddenly, she spoke again. "Oh my gosh, Paul!" she said, now whispering too. "John is on the phone too, and he says it's Charlotte!" I swore under my breath. "She thinks you're cheating on her! With me!"

I was stunned silent, and the next second I was laughing my ass off.

"Me? Cheating on Charlotte? With you?!" I cackled. My voice had unknowingly risen to a much higher volume. Cynthia's had as well. "Hey! What is that supposed to mean?!"

I calmed down a bit before speaking again. "I'm sorry, Cyn. I just don't know how she could think such a thing. Can't she see that I want to be with her? She's the one I want to wake up next to every morning. She's the one I want to cook soup for when she gets sick and protect when she has a bad dream. She was the one I fell in love with years ago, and she's the one I'm in love with now. She's the one I want to be the mother of my children, and the one that I grow old with. I really love her, Cynthia."

After my little speech, I heart a faint knock on the bedroom door. I spun around in a panic to see Charlotte, creaking the door open slowly as she stood in the already half-open doorway. I noticed that she was crying. My expression softened as I stood up and walked over to her, cupping her small and delicate face in my big, rough hands.

"I really do love you, Charlotte," I said softly, giving her a tender kiss on the cheek. Another tear welled out of her eye. I wiped it away before I spoke again. "I love you so much that I think I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I slowly got down onto one knee and pulled out the small box that I had been carrying with me for so long, and her hands flew up to cover her mouth.

"Charlotte Bell, will you please do me the incredible honor of agreeing to be my wife?"

Her hands slowly fell back to her sides. She calmly took the box from my hand and examined the ring inside it before carefully setting it down on the bed. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Uh, Char-?"

She jumped on top of me, causing us both to collapse onto the hardwood floor. She let out a joyous laugh, wrapping her legs around me stomach and dragging her fingers through my hair, kissing a trail from my cheeks all the way down my neck.

"Is that a yes?" I squeaked, and she smiled. 

"Was it that obvious?"

I stared up at the beautiful woman on top of me. I truly had never seen Charlotte look happier. I pulled her face closer and kissed her, quickly turning more passionate. All of a sudden, we heard an outburst of cheers coming from the phone that was now lying sideways on the ground.

"Oh crap, I forgot about Cynthia," I chucked, crawling back over to the phone.

"CONGRATS TO THE LOVEBIRDS!" John cried, nearly bursting my eardrum. I laughed as Charlotte shouted back. 

"Thank you, John!"

"What happened to all our planning?!" Cynthia questioned sternly. 

"I'm sorry, Cyn. This plan just seemed to play out more...naturally."

I could practically hear her smile over the phone. "Oh, I'm so happy for you two!" There were some more muffled sounds as John took the phone back from her.

"Aw, let 'em go! I'm sure they've got lots to do, bein' engaged now and all." I could hear the smirk in John's voice and I almost began to argue back, but Charlotte was looking at me with a look I'd never seen her wear before. A look that told me I better get off that phone right now.

"Er, thanks guys. Bye!" I said quickly before Charlotte took the phone from my hand and hung it up. I stood up off the floor and picked her up bridal-style, carrying her over to the bed. She squealed in delight.

"I love you, my fiance," she said, before smashing her lips against mine.

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