Chapter 2

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"Paul, get ye butt outta bed. We got an interview in an hour."

George's cold voice gave me goosebumps. I rolled over and gave him an innocent look.

"Er - give me 10 minutes, I'll be ready."

I grabbed a towel and scurried into the bathroom to take a shower.

I stepped into the hot water as I let my mind wander. It wandered directly to her, it always did.


Not a second after I thought of her name, I heard the same name spoken through the flimsy hotel walls. I pressed my ear against the shower wall and listened.

"What are we goin' to do, lads?" I heard John whisper, trying to avoid any chances of me hearing but obviously failing.

"How are we goin' to get Paul over this girl? It's been nearly 5 years, for cryin' out loud! He isn't in high school anymore!"

I heard Ringo and George grunt in agreement.

I sighed as I returned to my shower, running shampoo through my hair. I heard the boys have this talk nearly every day. Why it didn't phase me, I don't know.

I just couldn't get her out of my head.

My first girlfriend was a girl named Charlotte Bell, and she was a real beauty. She left me at the end of our senior year, and I was heartbroken.

Since we had really taken off as The Beatles, of course I've hooked up with a few girls here and there, but I had never been able to get her out of my head.

I knew my efforts were pointless. She would never want me back, especially after all this time. It's been so long, I bet she didn't even remember me...

But I was ready to pull one last move to find her.

I hurried out of the shower and threw my clothes on. Emerging from the bathroom, I found the rest of the band lounging around, waiting for me.

"Ready to go, fellas?" I asked. They silently nodded and we all left the hotel and into the limo, on our way to an interview to discuss our newly released record, "Help!"

One of my favorite songs on the record was a song called "Yesterday", as it was the favorite of the other lads, as well.

But what they didn't know was that I had written the song about her.

And I planned on using it to get her back.

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