Chapter 42

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I didn't remember my bachelor party and I didn't remember falling asleep that night. All I remembered was a bright, blinding light that woke me up the next morning.

The morning of my wedding day, more specifically.

My eyes snapped open as I popped up out of bed, frantically checking my surroundings. Charlotte was nowhere to be seen, but there was a small note lying on her pillow. I groggily flipped myself over on the mattress and grabbed it eagerly, unfolding it and allowing my eyes to adjust to the light before I began to read:

My beloved (and probably very hungover) Paul,

You looked too peaceful for me to wake you up this morning, so I left you asleep. Besides, it's bad luck for the groom to see his bride on their wedding day. Cynthia picked me up this morning and her and I are going to head down to the church at 8:30. Can't wait to see you on the altar!



I smiled smugly as I carefully folded the note back up in my hands. I allowed myself to fall back onto my pillow, closing my eyes and letting out a slow sigh. She was right, I was pretty hungover. I folded my hand across my forehead in attempt to ease the pain of my headache. The peace only lasted for a moment before I heard the clock strike - eight times. It was already 8 o'clock!

I bounded out of bed and into action, almost glad that Charlotte wasn't there to see me. I flew into the bathroom and turned on the shower, not even bothering to wait for the water to get warm before I jumped in. I had no time to spare. The next half hour was all a blur as I threw on the first shirt and pair of pants I could find and grabbed my tux, flying out the door where I nearly ran into John in the hallway. He caught me by my shoulder and jolted me to a stop.

"In a bit of a rush, are we?" he said with a laugh. "I was just about to come and wake you up."

"There's no time for jokes now, John!" I cried, grabbing him and pulling him behind me. "I'm getting married in just a few hours!"

I could practically hear John roll his eyes from behind. "Typical newly-wed attitude."

I dragged him with me all the way to the lobby, where he finally shook me off.

"Where did you park?" I asked him, turning around.

"Right in front, but-"

I didn't hear the rest of his sentence since I had already taken off towards the door, frantically searching for John's car. Spotting it at last, I ran over and threw myself into the passenger seat. I could hear John chuckling lightly behind me.

"Why, I haven't seen you this high-strung since..."

"C'mon John, get in! There's no time!"

He sat himself comfortably into the driver's seat, taking his sweet time. My face crumpled up in frustration.


I've never seen him drive faster.


I stood in front of the body-length mirror, re-adjusting my bow tie about a million times before I was finally satisfied. I took one final deep breath before I turned away from the mirror to face John, my best man, standing in the door way. He dramatically clutched at his heart and let out a gasp.

"Are you sure you wanna marry Charlotte? Maybe we could get married instead."

I let out a laugh and shoved into his shoulder, trying to hide how nervous I was. Before our conversation could go any further all of the groomsmen made their way into the room -- George, Ringo, Mike, and my father. They were joking around and laughing, but I could tell that they were nervous as well.

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