Chapter 22

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That was the first night that the nightmares started.

Paul had insisted that I slept in the bed that night, but I refused. I knew he had to get back to work the next day, having to go to two different interviews and a photo shoot, and he needed to have the best sleep possible. Although he put up a fight, he finally agreed.

Trying to make myself comfortable on the couch, I rolled and turned for at least fifteen minutes before I finally fell asleep.

And then I was dreaming of an all-too familiar scene.

Elizabeth and I were walking down the sidewalk, taking a walk down to the corner store one night after dinner. We were talking and laughing, like usual. Everything was right, we were happy. I could see the headlights of the car driving up behind us, but this one was different. They didn't slow down, the lights got brighter. I heard the tires screech as I turned around.


She looked over her shoulder and gasped, realizing what was about to happen. She reached out to me, but it was useless. The car came from behind, it didn't even slow down. The expression on her face was horrible; it was one I would never forget. Later, we would learn that it was a drunk driver.

Completely disappearing underneath the car, I heard Elizabeth scream. I would never forget that scream either.The car continued its journey, grazing my side as I jumped out of the way and sailed right into the store behind us. I yelled out in pain, clutching my stomach.

Instead of Elizabeth dying instantly, like what had really happened, she crawled out from under the car. She was terribly cut up, nearly unrecognizable. She looked angry. "How could you let that happen to me, Charlotte?" she growled. Blood was running down her face and arms. "How could you just let me die?"

I started to cry. "It-it happened so fast..."

"HOW COULD YOU?" she came after me.

I swung my arms out. "Stop! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It's all my fault! Don't go, Elizabeth!" I was screaming. She was trying to grab me.

"Get off! Get off!"

But it wasn't Elizabeth grabbing me, it was Paul.

"Wake up, Charlotte! You're having a bad dream!"

My eyes flew open to see Paul standing over me, trying to hold my arms down to stop me from swinging at him. I stopped struggling and instead started crying more. "Oh, Paul," I sobbed, sitting up and leaning over into his warm arms. His eyes were full of concern.

"Charlotte, you've been shouting for nearly ten minutes," he said. I felt awful for making Paul so worried, which only made me cry even harder.

"It-it's been years now," I whispered. "But I've never dreamt of it until tonight."

Paul looked at me with such a sad look in his eyes, I thought he might start to cry too. He ran his fingers across my cheeks until my breathing slowed and I calmed down a little.

"What time is it?"

"It's nearly two."

Paul sat down on the couch next to me, getting comfortable. He gave me a weak smile. "I know the circumstances aren't very great, but you look beautiful Char." I smiled over at him, laying back down on the couch. He began rubbing my back, knowing it was something I couldn't resist. I began to doze off again, and when Paul noticed he stood up to go back to bed.

"Wait!" I said, snapping my eyes open. He turned to look at me, and I pouted. "Don't go." He smiled widely.

"I won't." He walked back over to the couch and leaned over to me. "But you know," he whispered into my ear, making me shiver. I was thankful for the darkness, so he couldn't see my suppressed smile. "The bed is much more comfortable than this old couch."

Now, I know I told myself constantly not to let Paul get too close. But that night, all deals were off. I needed him.

"Wherever you sleep, I'll sleep."

I started to stand up when I felt strong arms lock underneath my back and under my legs. In one swift motion, Paul lifted me up from the couch, blanket and all. I giggled. "Paul!" My head laying in between his neck and shoulder, I could feel the skin on his face stretch into a smile. I allowed my eyes to flutter closed as he carried me; the rhythmic sway that his footsteps created was enough to put me to sleep.

He slowly lowered me onto the bed. Deciding to keep my eyes closed, I felt the weight of Paul crawling onto the mattress, not bothering to keep his distance. I could feel the warmth of his body next to me. A few minutes of silence passed by.

"Charlotte?" he finally squeaked. I opened my eyes slowly, a little surprised at how close he really was. His nose was nearly touching mine. I don't know why, but it made me giggle.

"Yes, Paul?"

He didn't say anything, and I thought that maybe he had been talking in his sleep. Before I could close my eyes again, he spoke.

"You know I'm always here for you, right? You can trust me with anything, I don't want you to feel like you have to keep any secrets. I only want to help-"

Rolling my eyes in the darkness, I scooted in a little closer and kissed him quickly. As fast as it was, I savored every moment of it. His lips tasted faintly of cigarettes, and he smelled like cologne, and un seemingly beautiful combination. The kiss gave me goosebumps, as if a long-term craving had finally been satisfied. I pulled back, but only a tiny bit. I was still close enough to feel his breathing on my face, and I could feel the warmth on his skin radiating onto mine. That was when we went to sleep without another word. But he did put his arm around me and embraced me into his chest, just before I had fallen asleep.

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