For The Love of Catherine *

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Jungkook's POV

Carrying the petite girl into the plane, I feel all eyes on me. I take her to the back and place her gently into the chair. Reclining it slightly, I grab a pillow to place next to her head against the wall. I grab a blanket from the overhead compartment and place it over her. She looks so peaceful right now. If I hadn't seen the cracks, I would have never known they were there.

I move the hairs that have fallen across her face and tuck them behind her ear. I have never been in love before. Finding myself willing to put another person first, is a new feeling. I know I'm a selfish person. I get frustrated when I don't get my way, and I rarely think of others before myself. But for this girl, I'd give up almost anything to make her happy.

"noooooo.... don't.... please..."

I hear her quiet pleas and I immediately try to calm her. The injection made her sleep, but it doesn't stop her mind from being active. I pull her closer to me, and lay her head on my chest to caress her head. Humming songs and saying all the promises I want to make to her. Speaking softly in Korean, I tell her my heart.

"I promise to love you... I promise to always be there... I promise to never leave, even if you push me away... I promise to always defend you... I promise to fill the empty spaces... I promise to heal your heart... My love... My Noona... I love you..."

Her breathing slows and I feel her relax. I continue to caress her hair, and smile at the feeling of my heart pounding. She always has this affect on me. From the first time our eyes met in that airport, she's the only girl I see. The only girl that brings my body to attention with just a look... A smile...

I had been set up 6 months ago with an idol from a popular girl group. I thought she would be able to make me forget... I thought that I was never going to see Catherine again. So I went on the date, and it was... nice. When I kissed that girl, who is beautiful, I felt nothing. That's when I knew... My heart isn't my own anymore. It was stolen a long time ago by the girl in my arms.

I hug her tighter to me and close my eyes to rest with her. We didn't sleep much last night, and I'm exhausted. I am worried though... What if I fall asleep and she needs me? I sometimes don't wake up easily. I feel her turn and wrap her little arm around my waist. I can't stop the smile I know is on my face.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I look up to see Yoongi hyung. He smiles and hands me a water bottle and an apple. I nod my head towards him in thanks.

"How is she?"

"Restless... But she calms when I talk to her."

"Let me know if you want to switch seats to get some sleep. Or if you need to stretch your legs."

I nod to him and watch him walk away. I turn my attention back to the small koala girl who has climbed onto me and wrapped herself around me at this point. Her arms around my neck and legs on either side of my waist. Her face is in the crook of my neck and I can feel her soft breaths that flutter my heart. I want to pull her closer, but we're as close as we can be. The blanket is covering us, so I slide my hands under the hoodie to caress her bare skin. She's so soft...

I pause in my action when I feel the scars. I knew they were there... I'd seen them, but for some reason I fail to notice when she's looking in my eyes. Now, while I run my hands over her back, I can feel them. They're smooth but interrupt what would be a perfect back. I know she hates them, but I want to help her love them. They are scars that prove she's a survivor.

Jimin's POV

I'm so worried... About Catherine... About Hoseok hyung... I feel like the world turned upside down overnight. Maybe it did, but I feel like there were signs I'd missed. Jungkook is one of my best friends, a brother... But he's so private and doesn't share things. So seeing him carrying Catherine, and then treating her with the utmost care, is a surprise.

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