July 10-14, 2017 - part 1 *

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Catherine's POV

The wedding a few weeks back went off without a hitch. The bride continued to be a bitch until Bridget put her in her place. It was the best moment to witness. The bride was complaining about something stupid, and B finally blew!! She told her to stop being a Diva and she wasn't that special. I remember the look on the bride's face when Bridget said she was lucky her fiancée hadn't realized what a psycho shrew she is... I cried from laughter.

My friends convinced me that they could handle the sweet 16 party, and the small wedding reception we have scheduled without me. So here I am boarding a flight to Manchester, England. I'm nervous to spend 3 days alone with Hoseok. We have been talking and texting alot, but whole days together will be a new test. Will we be able to fill the time, and not get awkward?

I got a cute text from him this morning telling me he's already there, and will pick me up at the airport. He won't really tell me what he has planned, but I'm sure it'll be fun. I've brought my journal, and I'll write in that for a while on the plane. I also brought the lovely letter he wrote to me while I was in the hospital. I'm curious about it, since he never signed it.

Hoseok's POV

I'm so nervous... I arrived yesterday and checked into the suite I reserved for us. I want everything to be perfect for her. She's been through alot, but I want to understand her better. I know some things through her friend, but I hope we can talk together, and she'll open up to me.

I got permission from PD Nim to come, but I had to bring a security guard. I hope that doesn't make Catherine uncomfortable. He won't bother us, but he'll be following everywhere, so she might feel strange about it. I have planned some sightseeing stuff, and of course the concert, so I'm feeling good that we won't be bored.

The flight is due in 2 hours, so we're heading to the airport early. My security guy wants to make sure we have enough time in case we're followed. I was out yesterday, and noone seemed to recognize me, so hopefully that continues.

Yoongi's POV

Since Hoseok left for his trip, Jungkook has been locked in his room. I know he's having a really hard time with this. Jimin asked me if I knew what is wrong with him, but I didn't really tell him anything. The more people that know, the harder it will be to keep it from Hobi. He'll feel really bad if he knows his happiness is the cause of Jungkook's misery. I brought Kook some food, and tried to talk to him, but he won't tell me anything. His teary eyes say all I needed to know...

Jungkook's POV

I've lost. I knew I had, but I was holding onto some hope. Watching Hobi hyung packing and getting ready to leave, I was numb. As soon as he walked out the door, I broke down. Will I ever find someone? Or did I find her, and lose her, all in one weekend because I'm a coward? The letter I wrote her said what I was feeling, but I didn't sign it. If I had, would she still be going to meet Hoseok hyung? Would I want to hurt him that way? I FUCKING HATE THIS!!!

Author POV

Hoseok waited outside the gate where Catherine would arrive. His security guard watched him pacing back and forth and mumbling. He found it amusing to see Hoseok this nervous. When the flight is announced Hoseok froze and wiped his sweaty palms on his pants.

Catherine walks out of the gate, and looks around for Hoseok. Seeing him she immediately halts in her steps. He's just standing and staring at her because he can't believe this beauty came all this way to see him. He starts stepping towards her, and she smiles seeing his shy demeanor. They pause for a minute just smiling at one another, then Hoseok brings her into his arms. They don't speak, but just enjoy the feeling of holding each other.

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