Seoul - Day 9 *

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Catherine's POV

I wake up to sun hitting my face and I groan. Looking around I realize I'm in the room alone. Grabbing my phone I check the time. Noon... I see a zillion messages from Bridget, Ashley, and some of my other friends. I wonder what's up, but I set my phone aside and head to the bathroom.

I wash my face, put my hair up in a messy bun, and pull on a pair of shorts. Who's shirt is this? My stomach growls, and I head out of the room in search of food. I walk through the living room on my way to the kitchen and see noone here. Maybe they had practice.

I make some coffee, and search the refrigerator for something, but nothing looks good. I take my drink and a couple clementines and sit at the table. I realize I left my phone, but before I can get up to check it, Yoongi comes and sits down across from me. He looks like something is bothering him, but I don't ask.

"You sleep long."

"I guess I was tired."

"mmmmmmm... You ok?"

His question confuses me. Why would I not be ok?? Before I can ask him, the rest of the guys come through the door. Everyone is looking at me, and I feel like something is really wrong. Hobi doesn't even meet my eyes.

"Hey there. Did you sleep well?" Namjoon asks me.

"I did... What's with the looks?"

"Well... We have a small problem... But we're figuring it out."

Jungkook scoffs and walks out of the room in anger, confusing me more.

Hobi looks down at his feet "Cafferine... I so sorry... I not think this happen..."

"What? Is something wrong at home? I had a bunch of messages I didn't read... Wait... I'll go get my phone."

A chorus of "No" and "wait" stopped me. I looked around the room at them trying to understand...

"If something has happened to someone at home... Just tell me! What happened?!?"

Yoongi reaches out to take my hand. I look at him with pleading eyes because I'm really scared now...

"No. It not that. It really ok."

"Please... Someone tell me then..."

After a deep breath, Namjoon tells me what's going on. "There's a story that came out. A story about Hoseok having a midnight date with an American."

My world stopped... I know this can ruin his career... All their careers. All because of me...

"We just came from a meeting, and a statement will be made to try to calm people down."

"What statement? What will it say?"

"That you're just a friend visiting from America. That he took you to eat when he knew you wouldn't be mobbed."


Hobi looks up at me with his sad eyes. "Cafferine... "

"No... It's fine. It's for the best. I wouldn't want for there to be trouble for you guys... I'm going to go change."

I got up quickly and went back to the bedroom. I don't know what I'm feeling... Scared for sure... A little sad... And strangely enough... Mad.

Hoseok's POV

I woke up to Namjoon shaking my shoulder. I don't want to wake Catherine, so I get out of bed and follow him to the living room. He hands me his cell phone and I look down at it. My eyes almost popped out seeing the article. How could this happen?

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