May 22, 2017 *

342 23 1

Catherine's POV

My phone woke me early today. Bridget was too excited to hear how my night went. I laid lazily in my bed and told her everything. She reacted like I thought she would until I told her about the after party. She was squealing and laughing while I talked about the awards show. But when I told her what happened with me and Hoseok, she was quiet.

She asked what happened with Jungkook. I didn't even know, so I brushed it off. I told her that obviously I had misunderstood his attraction to me. That clearly he's NOT into me, and then I told her how he basically glared at me when we were standing alone in the green room...

I'm so frustrated... I had forgotten all about it until I talked about it with Bridget. Jungkook confuses me so much. I fell asleep last night smiling while thinking about the sweet kiss I shared with Hobi. But once sleep took me, my dreams were all Jungkook. His eyes staring into my soul. His hands all over me, and how he dominated me... I woke up extremely frustrated when the phone rang.

Now that I'm awake, I get up and decide to go down and get some food. I wash my face and tie my hair up in a messy bun. I throw on some shorts and a shirt and head out. My mind a clutter of sweet Hobi and sexy Jungkook. I'm not even paying attention when I step out of the elevator. I almost run directly into Jungkook and jump back but lose balance. He grabs on to me so I don't fall and I find myself staring into his eyes. 'Real smooth Cath... So cliche'

"I'm so sorry... Wasn't looking..."

His raspy voice kills me as he looks at me. "Ok... I ok... You ok?"

"Y-yeah... J-just t-tired..."
'Jeez Cath STOP stuttering'


He still has his hands on my hips and we're sharing eye contact the whole time. Silence falls on us, but we stay like that. After what felt like an eternity, but was probably about 30 seconds, he seems to realize our position. His eyes widen and he takes a quick step back letting me go. He looks tired like he hasn't slept, and turns his face away from me. When he turns back to me, he looks completely different. Cool, unapproachable, and mad... ???

I don't know what to do. Why is he like this? I open my mouth to ask him if I did something wrong, but he cuts me off by just saying a quick goodbye and rushing off. I'm lost now. What is this I'm feeling? I don't even know this guy, and I'm standing here on the verge of tears. Why does he affect me so much?

I have lost my appetite now... I head to the coffee shop and get myself an iced macchiato and make my way back upstairs. In my room I let some of my frustrated tears fall. I just don't understand... Did I insult him?

I'm lost in these thoughts when the door bell rings. Opening the door, I see a smiling Hobi. He looks at me and his face changes immediately sensing my distress. I invite him in and head back to the couch.

"Uh... You are ok?" He questions me.

"Yes. I'm ok. Just tired."

"You are cry??"

"A little, but it's nothing. I'm just tired and frustrated about something I can't control or change..."

"Can I help?"

"You already helped just by showing me your pretty smile."

He grins at me and visibly relaxes. I smile back at him and ask if he is hungry. He says he is, so we decide to go downstairs for some breakfast. Walking to the elevator, he takes my hand and I can feel myself blushing. We continue to the buffet, and get a table. After we order drinks, we go in search of food. I'm still not that hungry, so I just get some toast and a cup of fruit salad. Hoseok gets his breakfast, and we head back to our table.

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