The Talk - Seoul Edition *

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Catherine's POV

It's been three days since I had my panic attack. I've been having a good time, but avoiding "the talk" I need to have with Hobi. We've been going to their rehearsal space alot, and I really like watching them. Today I'm sitting on a couch in Hobi's personal studio, watching him work on his mixtape. I've got my journal and a book with me so I don't disturb him. I snap a quick picture of him, and edit it to black and white for my journal. He's so handsome.

After a few hours, I must have dozed off because I heard a quiet voice calling my name

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After a few hours, I must have dozed off because I heard a quiet voice calling my name. I flutter my eyes open to see a smiling Hobi. He says we're going to get some lunch, so I sit up and stretch. The action causes my shirt to slide a little, revealing the bite scars. I watch as his smile turns into a frown, and he looks away. I pretend I don't notice though.

Hoseok's POV

Looking at the sleeping angel on my studio couch, I feel happy. We've had a lot of fun the last few days, but I'm waiting for her to tell me what has happened. I can figure some of it out, but my thoughts are horrible. I hope it's not what I believe, so I am patiently waiting for her to let me know.

I wake her gently so that we can get some food. She's been eating pretty well except the day she suffered the panic attack. As she stretches I see the scar on her neck that looks like teeth marks. This hurts me so badly. I want to kill the person who did this to her.

Taking her hand I pull her with me to go to the cafeteria. We grab what we want to eat and sit together. She is eating with chopsticks more confidently now. She still drops food, but not as often. I love watching her whatever she is doing.

"Hobi... I want to thank you..."


"It's just that you've been really patient with me. I'm thankful that you are waiting for me to tell you what happened... I am just scared..."


"Once I tell you, you can't not know what happened... And I'm afraid you won't look at me the same."

"I love you. You tell me anything... I look at you always."

"Can we go out somewhere tonight to talk alone? I don't want others to interrupt us..."

"Yes. We go to walk alone."

She smiles at me but it doesn't reach her eyes. Hopefully, when she tells me everything I'll be the strong man she deserves.

Dinner time - Author's POV

Catherine is sitting and talking on the phone with Bridget when Jin walks in with take out for everyone. Hoseok pulls her towards him, ending her in his lap. He grins at her and she tells her friend she has to go. She tries to move into her own seat, but Hobi's hold is strong. At first she's okay with it, but after a few minutes it's stressing her out. She doesn't like to be trapped.

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