The After Party *

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**brief author's note - I'm aware there is no rooftop bar/club at The Venetian in Las Vegas. I had already chosen the resort as where Catherine would stay, but failed to think through the after party scene I have in mind. So please use your imagination along with me. 😁**

Catherine's POV

That was awful! Meeting the guys of BTS was nerve wracking to say the least. I'm so confused now. The one guy I THOUGHT would talk to me, didn't... In fact when I tried to start a conversation, he didn't hold eye contact at all, and seemed irritated. I felt frustrated and ended up walking away from him.

We're in the limo on the way back to The Venetian and Ashley (Halsey) tells me we're going to the after party at the roof top club. I need a drink or two so I'm alright with that. I really had such a good time tonight, but am bothered by thoughts that Jungkook didn't like me... What am I even worrying about?!? 'Jeez Cath, it's not like you'll ever encounter them once this fairy tale ends... Get a grip...'

When we arrive at the club, I'm floored. The club is beautiful and the view is amazing! Ashley, Rich, and I head to the bar and I order a margarita. We take our drinks to an area with couches and cushioned chairs near the terrace. We spend the next hour talking about the awards, and finishing a few drinks. I'm really relaxed, but I suddenly feel sad again that Bridget is not here. I shake it off when I feel my phone vibrate in my purse. Thinking it's B, I pull it out and am disappointed to see Jacob's contact flash on the screen. Ashley sees my face and asks what's wrong. I brush it off and say it's nothing. Changing the subject, I again tell her how amazing her performance was.

Halsey's POV

Catherine has had a couple Margaritas, and seems to be pretty relaxed. She and Rich are laughing over something, but I'm lost in my thoughts. I know she's leaving the day after tomorrow to go home to a funeral, and I just want her to have as much fun as possible in the moment. I'm happy that she ended up having a good time at the awards. But I saw the disappointment on her face, in the green room, when Jungkook didn't talk to her. I hope the guys show up and he can get a second chance. Her phone screen, which is on the table, lights up and I look. It's the ex-boyfriend. She declines the call, but I can see it's affecting her. Another Margarita it is...

Jungkook's POV

We finished our v-live and RapMon hyung mentions an after party at the rooftop club. We discuss it, and decide to go. He says there wouldn't be media there so that's a relief. We can just be ourselves, and not worry about scandals or trying to put on a show. Don't get me wrong, I'm blessed and love what I do. But just like any other job, there are days, and situations, where it's exhausting.

Walking in to the club, we head to the bar first. Jimin hyung offers to buy me a drink and of course I accept. Not wanting to get drunk, I ask for a beer. While I wait for the hyungs, I wander towards the terrace. The view is amazing. I see a couch area with enough room for all of us and head that direction. I take a seat at the end of a couch and raise my head to watch for the members and see Halsey and Catherine at the other end of the seating area. I look away to not be creepy, and pray for the members to arrive and rescue me from my awkward self...

Jimin comes over and plops down, handing me the beer. I thank him and point to the view. He agrees it's beautiful, but then notices the ladies at the other end of the couch. He laughs at me and I want to die. He waves at them and says "Hi!!" really loud. Halsey smiles and waves. She asks where the others are, and poor hyung doesn't understand. I just point behind her where the other 5 are heading our way.

The rest of the members come and sit down. Hoseok hyung sat next to Catherine. Since she saw me and Jimin hyung she's been looking at her lap. Now I watch as Hobi hyung says something and she lights up. They continue talking, and she's laughing at whatever it is. I feel dejected, but happy she's smiling. There's a light in her eyes whenever she laughs that is so beautiful. I am now completely frustrated with myself. If I wasn't such a loser, that could be me making her smile... I excuse myself and walk out onto the terrace to look over the view of the city and escape the feelings I'm having.

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