May 20, 2017 - part 3 *

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Catherine's POV

I can't believe I missed the floor I was supposed to get out on... Now what? I move as discreetly as possible towards to floor selector buttons, but 'eyes' is still hawking me, so I try to turn away and press a top floor. HA! Got it! Hopefully they'll get out before me, and I can just take the elevator back down to my floor. I'm really such a dummy sometimes. But I don't think they've even selected a floor... Come on Cath... it's no big deal. I'm sure they will get off before you, and everything will be fine...

I took 2 pictures of the guy with the eyes... but I think he knew. He looked right at me while I did it, with this unholy smirk on his face! I'm sure I'm a tomato right now. Alcohol really lowers my inhibitions too much. Oh well. It's not like I'm ever going to see them after this weekend. They clearly don't speak English very well, but it's so cute that the one adorable guy was trying to talk to me. "Eyes" was just staring at me, and then spoke to his friend in another language... Japanese? No... Chinese or Korean maybe... But the way he just stared started to make me paranoid... Do I have something on my face? Lipstick on my teeth? Is my hair a mess? Please sir... STOP STARING! My heart can't take it!!!

Jimin's POV

This is the girl from the airport yesterday. The one who looked in pain. She is really pretty. She seems to be a little tipsy which is adorable. Jungkook hasn't stopped staring at her, and she keeps peeking at him. So fucking cute. I can't wait to tease him about this! Is this girl the reason he was zoned out since we got here yesterday? I can see how his ears are getting red, and he can't even speak to her. He only whispers to me. So cute. I wish he would talk to her if he wants to know something. I've not seen him like this before. He's always shy around girls he doesn't know, but THIS is something new for sure. It's like he is in love...

The elevator stops on a floor and none of us get out. I think that was her floor. But she is busy on her phone and peeking at Jungkookie... Oh my heart... I just watch her, and I think she took his picture but was trying to be sly. We never selected our floor... Jungkook had frozen when he entered and saw her, and I had to push him in more. I was too curious, so I didn't bother with the floor selection. I see the girl moving towards the floor buttons, and trying to be sneaky about it. She pushes a button with her back facing the buttons to cover what she is doing, and HAHAHAHAHA!!! She selected our floor. Oh, this is going to be something when we get there...

Jungkook's POV

I can't take my eyes off of her. I know I look like a complete psycho right now, but I can't help it. The girl has been in my head since yesterday. The things in my dreams are playing in my mind, and then she licks her lips... SHIT! Now my dick is twitching... The elevator stops and none of us get out. Huh? She is focused on her phone and her cheeks are pink... is it that she'd been drinking or is she embarrassed? She glances at me every once in a while, and Jimin is nudging me. I look at him and he says "Say something idiot!" But, my tongue is glued to the top of my mouth. She starts edging her way to the floor buttons... What is she doing?

"Kookie... why don't you say something? You obviously think she's cute."

"What are you talking about? She is cute, but I don't need to talk to her Hyung." I say in as firm a voice as I can...

"Well, 'little Kookie' wants to know her better obviously..." and he glances at my bulge.


Catherine's POV

Why aren't they getting out? They never selected a floor... Did I accidentally choose theirs? My LUCK is the worst!! Why does this shit happen to me? I need Bridget!!

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