June 28, 2017 *

259 22 9

Catherine's POV

I've been home for a week now, and things are slowly getting back to normal. Work has been busy, and I had to do some major sucking up to a couple clients, but it seems to have worked out. Right now, we have a HUGE wedding in 3 days that we're in charge of. The bride is so high maintenance and she's making our job very difficult.

I'm getting ready to head to the venue to supervise the decoration of the reception space, and I'm feeling anxious. It seems that alot of our independent contractors have double booked themselves. It's been quite frustrating to be honest. Bridget and I have had to reach out to some of our friends, and beg them to help us.

This is how I found myself face to face with Josh for the first time since before everything. I'm so ashamed as soon as I see him entering the room. His arm is in an immobilizer, and he looks tired. I force myself to look into his eyes expecting to see his disappointment in them, but instead he's just smiling. He makes a quick joke about how useless he'll be in anything but supervising. I release the breath I didn't know I was holding.

We arrive at the venue, and everything is a total mess. The last event planning company that used it, left a whole bunch of their decorations and furniture behind. So before we can even start, we have to clean up after someone else... So annoying. I make an angry call to the planning agency that left this shit, but get told that it'll be another day before they can come to get their things. I told them that their crap would be OUTSIDE waiting for them. Since it's supposed to rain today, I expect they'll show sooner, but I don't really care.

Bridget walks in with our good friends Jess, and Samantha. Immediately my mood brightens because these bitches are crazy. I tell them we're putting all the things left by the other company outside, and these girls grin! It's no secret the other company is a direct competitor, so they are beyond pleased to help "take out the trash".

My phone rings and I look down to see a FaceTime request from Hoseok. I tell "supervisor Josh" to make sure the girls don't get too carried away and excuse myself to answer.

"Hi!! How are you?"

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"Hi!! How are you?"

"Good! You beautiful."

"Stoooop... I'm looking like a hot mess today."

"Noooooo!!! Don't say this. You beautiful... to me..."

"Well, thank you. Where are you?"

"Japan. We are to do meet with ARMY tomorrow."

"FUN! I'm sure they're excited to meet you guys."

"Yes! What you doing today?"

"Cleaning up someone else's mess right now..."

Hobi - "Huh?"

"We're getting ready for a wedding and things are not going smoothly... The bride is a total bitch... the venue was left messed up by the last company, and my normal help is unavailable, so I have my crackhead friends clearing the space. It's a GREAT day."

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