April 25, 2017 *

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Catherine's POV

I don't know why I even bother. I never win anything. But here I am, filling out the online entry form for the nth time with a mostly pessimistic attitude, but a sliver of hope. My best friend tells me to think positive, but it never really changes the outcome. In general, I'm a pretty positive person... Actually, that's a complete lie. I am only positive, good things won't ever happen to me.

I've entered to win a lot of contests. I've purchased lottery tickets, and even got dragged to a bingo night with friends. I always lose. But, when one of my favorite artists is giving a lucky person the chance to accompany her to the Billboard Music Awards next month, I try as many times as I'm allowed to. There are only 3 more days before the winner will be announced. I have 3 more chances to enter. So, here I am filling out the online form, and laughing to myself about what a loser I am.

Bridget (the best friend I mentioned) is also filling out the entry form, simply because she knows how much I would want to go. The winner, and a guest, gets an all-expenses paid trip to Las Vegas with Halsey to attend the awards with her. Oh man... I would just die if I won! It's been 8 months since I saw her live at Mohegan Sun with Bridget. She's my ride or die for stuff like this. She doesn't really listen to Halsey, but is always willing to go along with me to concerts. I know we'll have so much fun if one of us wins this... there it is... that sliver of hope...

Bridget's POV

I remember the day I met my best friend Catherine. It was move-in day at University and I was so nervous to meet my roommate. What if we didn't like each other? What if she was stuck up? What if she was a complete nerd that studies all the time? All these things were swirling around in my head, giving me a migraine, and a stomach ache when the door opened and she walked into my life. It was like we were soulmates from the first minute! She walked right up to me and gave me a HUGE hug. It was amazing, and calmed me down. She told me later that she knew as soon as she saw me, that we were meant to be friends.

That first year of school, we made so many friends, and had so much fun. We studied together, partied together, and were inseparable. I've never laughed as often, or as hard, as I did with her that first year. People all thought we were either related, or gay for each other. I didn't care. I'd be honored to be part of her family, and would only be so lucky to have her be attracted to me as a partner. I'm not gay, but I know that a part of me is in love with my best friend. We have always said if we don't find someone to spend our life with, then we'll stay together, adopt children, and live our lives together. If that happens, I'll be one of the luckiest people to have her forever with me.

A lot changed for her the summer after our Freshman year at University. Her parents left on a trip that they had been planning for years. They were going to travel the US on their motorcycle. They were a fun and quirky couple. They waited for the trip until Catherine had her first year of college under her belt, and they were confident that she could be on her own without needing them so much. Unfortunately, the night before they left for the trip, Cath got into a horrible argument with her Mom. It was dumb really. Catherine is always picking a fight when goodbye is hard. And I think that is what she did that day. She was soon whining to me about how childish she felt after they left, and how she neglected to tell her Mom that she loved her because she was still upset with her. She was going to tell her sorry and that she loved her when they called that night. That never happened.

Her parents were on the road for exactly 10 hours, and were so close to the first stop for a rest, when the drunk driver hit them. They were both killed instantly. I was with Catherine when she got the call from the hospital, and I've never heard a sound like that. The wail that came from her mouth was simultaneously heartbreaking and frightening. I still hear it in my nightmares. Watching her break that day, changed me. I promised myself that day, and the following months, that I would do anything to see her smile again. She carries so much guilt and regret for arguing with her mother, and it is slowly killing her. It's been 2 years and she rarely smiles. I'm lucky to be present most of the time she does though. Her smile lights up a room.

So here I am, filling out the online entry form for the contest that would make her so happy, and praying that one of us gets lucky. Honestly, she could afford to buy tickets to fly to Vegas, and also the tickets to the Billboard Music Awards since her parents left her, and her brothers, very well off. But the contest allows for her to meet, and spend time with Halsey. She has been a fan from the beginning. I'm not the fan Catherine is, but I get taken along to the concerts and I don't mind at all. Concerts are always fun. And Halsey definitely puts on a good show. Hanging out with Halsey would make both of us very happy.


On a cold April day, Catherine and Bridget are sitting together in a local Starbucks listening to the radio station. They are waiting for them to announce the winner of the drawing who will have 5 minutes to call in and claim the prize. Bridget is trying hard to make Catherine laugh, but all she gets is a half-hearted smile. She knows her friend is being pessimistic. She knows that Cath does not believe that she deserves to have anything good happen to her, so she is not really even paying attention to the announcer on the radio since there is no chance for her. That's when it happens... "The winner of the Halsey contest is Catherine *****!!! Catherine, you have 5 minutes to call us back and claim your prize!!!" Bridget jumps up and down in her seat, but Catherine is staring into space not even reacting. Bridget starts dialing the radio station phone number. "Cath.... Cath... CATHERINE *****!!!" Catherine jumps in her seat, and meets her best friend's gaze. "B?? What is it?" Bridget stops herself from physically assaulting her friend, and just hands her the phone and says "YOU WON!!!"



I am not sure what journey this book will bring me on. I'm not so confident with my writing abilities. I have been enjoying other FanFictions for months, and have a lot of imagination. I've just never been very good at putting my thoughts into story form, outside of my own brain. :D

I hope you'll enjoy what I've written, and will share any feedback you have. I welcome constructive criticism, and any story ideas if it looks like I'm going wrong.



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