The Talk *

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Author's POV

It's been one week since Hoseok had spoken to Catherine. He's scared. He and Jungkook have patched things up sort of. They aren't glaring at each other anymore, but they still aren't talking much either. But Hoseok is afraid about what he has to do now.

He needs to tell Catherine the truth about the letter, and he thinks she'll break up with him. He's gone over it a million times in his head, and the outcome seems inevitable. He didn't lie and claim he was the author, but he didn't deny either. How will she forgive that? She's not going to trust him anymore.

While he's breaking down over the likelihood that she'll leave him, he gets a FaceTime request from the girl. Panicking, but not able to put it off, he picks up the call.

Sniffling, and trying to wipe his tears he gives her a weak smile. "Hey..."

"Oh no!! Hobi what's wrong?"

"I... I make mistake..."

"I'm sure it's not that bad... We all make them. Was it something with the performance coming up?"

"No... This... How say... I hurt Jungkook..."

"I'm sorry. He HAS got an attitude though, so maybe he deserved it..."

Hobi's eyes hi wide... "NO! Cafferine... I wrong... I hurt him..."

"You're the sweetest and kindest person I know. I'm sure whatever it was he'll forgive you for it. You didn't mean to hurt him."

"I am bad friend. I am bad boyfriend..."

"What? No you're not! You're the..."

"NO! Listen please... I sorry! I... I... I not say truth..."

"... about what?"

"The letter... I not the one..."

"Y-you d-didn't write that letter?"

"No... I sorry"

"I don't understand... If you didn't write it... Who?"


"What? No way... He hates me. He's so rude to me... He didn't... Someone else must have..."

"No. He send to you. He want you not hurt anymore."

"I'm so confused... Why didn't you just tell me this before?"

"I sorry... I not know who send it then. You were sad then... and then happy about letter... I want you happy. I think you be sad again when I say I did not make it. I so sorry!"

"I know you are...... I wish you had told me right away. I feel so bad that I haven't even thanked him... That letter helped me so much... Aaaahhh... I'm so confused!"

"I know... S-sorry..."

"I need to figure out what to think about all this... I'm going to go..."

"Please... Forgive me... Please..."

"I need to think Hobi... I'll call you in a couple days. Take care. Bye!!"

Catherine cut the call and hung her head low. She cares so much for Jung Hoseok. She almost made love with him in England. She was ready to admit feelings of love... Now... What is actually happening? She feels a tear slip down her cheek feeling completely lost. Why can't she just meet "the one"?

Hoseok on the other hand, started sobbing as soon as the call ended. He buried his face in his pillow and cried like he never has. That's how Jimin found him. Approaching his roommate, Jimin starts rubbing his back and asking what happened. Hoseok rarely cries, so this must be bad. The only answer he got was "I'm bad. Bad friend. Bad boyfriend."

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