May 18, 2017 *

552 31 10

Catherine's POV

I'm exhausted... I don't even know what I'm doing right now... Bridget's father died suddenly from a massive heart attack. She is absolutely devastated! I understand her pain obviously, and it brings back so many hard feelings for me. After my parents died, Bridget's parents were there for me. I view them as a 2nd family, and my heart is broken from the loss. I feel like I can't breathe when I think about it.

That is how I find myself all alone in a limo on the way to the airport. Bridget can't leave her Mom right now, and I tried to stay behind to be with them, but I was basically thrown out the door to go on the trip alone. I cried for about 3 hours after Jacob's betrayal, but then Bridget called and told me about her Dad, and I forgot all about his cheating ass! Nothing matters but family... I hope he'll never be around me again, and that he catches some kind of disease from that skank! Bridget told her Mom what he did, and when I arrived at their home that night around midnight, I received the warmest hug ever. B's Mom is one of a kind. She put aside her own pain and gave me comfort about the heartbreak. Amazing... I miss my Mom so much!

These last couple of years, Bridget's Mother has been running the event business my mother started in order to keep it alive for me when I graduate University. They had become great friends like their daughters that year. The business has only grown the past couple of years, and it is amazing that my mother's dream is flourishing. I can only thank Bridget's Mom. B and I work with her whenever we can, and I love planning events, and making peoples special moments something amazing. I'm pretty great at it actually. I have learned how to manage not only the planning, but the budget, and the vendors.

My mind is all over the place. I feel so guilty for being in this limo right now. The ride is another 45 minutes, and I plug in my headphones and zone out hoping that the melancholy I am feeling will not be so obvious when I finally meet Halsey.... Who am I trying to kid? I haven't slept, or eaten much at all in the last 2 days. It's like life gave me something wonderful, and then decided to slap me back violently. My luck never holds. I should have stayed home with my best friend, and her family. How did I end up getting convinced to leave when she never left me when I needed her??? I'm the worst friend!

Bridget's POV

Catherine tried to stay. I know she wanted to be here for me and my family, but she deserves the trip and to meet her idol. I had to basically pack her suitcase alone, and throw her out the door when the limo arrived. She was so upset to leave me because she thinks she "owes me" for being her friend when her parents died. But that is what friends are for. And they are also for making sure that the ones they love don't miss out on once in a lifetime opportunities, like the one she got when she won the contest. I won't let her miss it for this. My Father would want her to go. He was excited for us when she won, so he'll be happy to know that she is still going. She will be there for me when she comes back, and I'm looking forward to her sending me all the fun pictures and information about the celebrities she's going to meet.

A few hours later

Catherine was sitting alone in the first class lounge where she is supposed to wait for Halsey. She is feeling very nervous and can't stop trembling. What if they don't have anything to talk about? What if she does something stupid? It's all on her now... She wasn't scared when Bridget was going to be with her, since she had someone else to help fill the silence if she had trouble. Catherine, since the death of her parents, has become an extroverted-introvert. She can be extroverted when the situation warrants, but mostly she is closed off and pretty shy. It's only gotten worse since her parents died. She suffers from anxiety and has panic attacks. She manages pretty well, but she is feeling very anxious waiting for her idol.

Halsey walks through the door of the first class lounge and sees the girl all alone. She was expecting 2 girls, and is surprised to see this pretty girl sitting and looking lost in her own world. She can tell she's been crying recently, and her eyes show that she hasn't slept much. She is wondering what has happened to her. She had talked to the 2 girls on the phone after they won the contest and was looking forward to meeting this dynamic duo that screamed fun over the phone that day. This girl looks heart broken, and now Halsey is nervous. She approaches her slowly and realizes she is wearing earphones, and she lightly taps her shoulder causing her to flinch. When Catherine whips her head around with wide eyes, Halsey apologizes for scaring her. Catherine doesn't know what to do... She feels stupid for jumping, and looking at her like she'd been electrocuted. Tears start to build up in her eyes looking at her idol. Halsey sees this and pulls her up from the seat and envelopes her in a warm embrace. She rubs her back in a soothing manner, and quietly tells her it will be alright even if she doesn't know what is wrong. This is how Catherine met her idol. Crying over her boyfriend's betrayal, and the loss of her second Father.


Hey all! I know my book says slow updates, but I am really trying to get the story going. I won't always be able to update as often as I am now. I hope everyone is enjoying it so far. Please vote and comment if you are!

Love you all!!



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