May 21, 2017 *

404 27 8

Catherine's POV

After returning to my room last night, I called my best friend. I told her how I had embarrassed myself choosing their floor, faking a phone call, and sprinting away. This earned the heartiest laugh she's given in the past week. I was glad she found my humiliation entertaining. We stayed on the phone for more than an hour. I drank a bottle of wine while listening to her gush over the guy with the eyes. I kept looking at the pictures I took from the elevator, and we are both convinced he knew I took them. This just added to my suffering though... Pathetic girl move Cath... Pathetic...

I wasn't able to get much sleep though. I've been unusually heated the past couple days. That man, and his friend, have affected my hormones so much. I masturbated to the image of his face. Then when I finally fell asleep, I had the hottest dream of his hands on me and IN me... I woke up to my thighs slick from the orgasm I had from my lewd thoughts.

So here I am, tired, sexually unsatisfied, and starving! I drag myself out of the bed and head to the shower. Ashley (Halsey) is going to meet me downstairs for breakfast and we're going to talk about the plan for the day. I'm looking forward to the awards show, but I'm so nervous. Feelings of inadequacy are haunting me since Jacob's betrayal. I've been trying to forget about what he did, but I haven't had time to properly deal with my feelings. So here I am with these insecurities creeping up.

I dressed in some black capri cargo pants, a plain black t-shirt, and my pink flower Doc Marten combats for that pop of color. Hehehe... Throwing my hair up in a messy bun, putting some light makeup on to cover the dark circles I've got, and head out.

As I approach the elevator I almost hyperventilate... What if they are in there again?!? I pause for a minute and contemplate taking the 15 flights of stairs, but a wave of exhaustion takes over. With trembling fingers I press the elevator call button. I'm not strong enough to deal with more embarrassment, so I hope my fears are unfounded...

As the elevator arrives my phone rings. I answer the call immediately as it's Bridget, and look up into the opening elevator. There inside was not only the 2 hotties I keep thinking about, but a bunch of other men who were all sculpted by the gods... I stop speaking and stare.

Just before the elevator doors could close again, without me moving forward, the shorter guy from yesterday catches it and smiles at me.

"Hello again"


I watch as the guys all exchange looks and smiles. I feel really strange when a couple start saying something to 'eyes'... He looks embarrassed. Then I hear the distant voice of my forgotten friend on the phone...


C - Shhhh... Jeez B you're going to rupture my ear drums... Sorry... I was boarding the full elevator (trying to let her know I was with people)

B - ooooo... Is it them again?!?

C - They've multiplied... I don't even know what to do right now...


C - Briiidgeeettt... Stop screaming in my ear! I barely slept thanks to all the unholy thoughts I had about "eyes" last night... And now he's totally staring at me and I'm literally going to combust surrounded by him and his HOT friends..."

I hear some giggling from behind me...

B - Sorry sis... I can't believe you keep seeing him... That's some real destiny type romance shit. hehehe

C - oh shut up. I don't believe in any of that bullshit. The only person destined for me, is you. You're my soulmate sis.

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