May 27, 2017 *

282 23 2

Bridget's POV

It's been 3 days since Catherine collapsed. It was like a nightmare. Watching her struggle to catch her breathe, and her eyes dimming before she fell to the ground. My Mom and I were so stunned. I know she was exhausted, and emotional, so I thought maybe it was that. One of our friends, Josh, came over to us and helped me get her into the limo again. He went with her to the hospital, while my Mom and I said our final goodbye to my Dad. After the burial, we rushed to the ER to find out what was going on. The Dr's say it was a panic attack brought on by exhaustion and stress.

Now she and I are back at her house, and she is like the living dead. She hasn't spoken in almost 3 days. I feel bad leaving my Mom on her own at our house, but she insists I stay with Cath to take care of her. Some of our friends have stopped by, and they all try to get her to engage, but she is blank. The Dr. said it might be like this for a bit, but I'm really getting worried.

She sleeps most of the time, and has nightmares. When she is awake, she barely eats. I think I've gotten her to have a cup of soup and some toast and that's it. She wakes up screaming for her Mom, and sweating, and then she starts silently crying... I just lay with her and hug her when she allows. It is just like when her parents died 2 years ago.

I've answered her phone a couple times. Once when Ashley (Halsey) called. She wanted to make sure Catherine had made her flight home, and was doing alright. She was very worried about her after our conversation.

Catherine doesn't know, but I had talked to Ashley a few times when they were in Las Vegas. She told me more about Jungkook, and how she found out from the leader of BTS that he was/ is REALLY in to Catherine. Sadly he's incredibly shy and awkward with girls. Now she's dating Hoseok. I can't tell Catherine about Jungkook because she'll feel guilty for hurting him.

I also answered a call from Hoseok. He had called her a few times and messaged her a bunch, so I finally decided to answer and let him know she wasn't ignoring him. Hopefully he understood me. He seemed to be very concerned, and sounded sad. I assured him that she would call or text him when she was up to it.

I hear the doorbell, and Josh is downstairs so I know he'll get it. I hear raised voices, and I'm confused, but I don't move from Catherine's side. The door to her bed room opens, and in walks the last person any of us want to see. Fucking Jacob...

I stand and move between him and Catherine and tell him to get out. He keeps refusing to leave. He says he is just here to see how she is doing, and needs to talk with her. I tell him that she won't want to see him, even if she were conscious. I try to push him out the door, but he shoves me back hard and I fall on to the floor... This FUCKER!!

Catherine's POV

I hear loud voices... what's happening now? I open my eyes slowly, and the room is blurry. I close my eyes again because the headache is too much. I hear Bridget telling someone to get out, and then her grunting, and a crash... I open my eyes and try to sit up... She's on the floor and Jacob is standing there looking smug. I don't know what to do, I'm too weak right now. I have no voice, but I try to call to her. Jacob realizes I'm awake and rushes to me, and hugs me. I try to push him away, but I'm unable to raise my arms because of the vice grip he has me in...He is whispering a bunch of apologies and telling me how much he loves me...

I feel the tears of frustration leaving my eyes, and I just stop struggling. He takes this as a sign that I'm giving in to him and starts rubbing my back and kissing my cheek, moving down my neck... Then he's ripped away from me, and I see Josh and Bridget physically removing him from my room. Thank God they were here... As I sink back in to unconsciousness I hear him say "Catherine! This isn't over Catherine... I'll BE BACK!!"

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