Waking Up *

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**Warning - Talk of Rape, depression, anxiety**

Catherine's POV

If I wasn't sore in my whole lower half, I would think it was a dream

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If I wasn't sore in my whole lower half, I would think it was a dream. That, and the fact that I haven't slept. I've been watching him sleep for the past hour since he passed out. My fingers are itching to touch his hair, but I hold back. I don't want to ruin this view.

After we finished our love making, he carried me to the bathroom and ran a bath for us. We sat in the hot water together cuddling and washing each other's bodies. He was so loving and made sure to tell me he loves me a bunch of times. Honestly, I'm terrified right now.

I should be happy, right? A beautiful man claims to be in love with me. I know that I am in love also, but I only admit that to myself. My history, and experience, tell me that it's more than possible he told me what he needed to in order to have sex with me.

He said a lot of things that made my heart quake, and my knees weak. I want to believe it all blindly... I really do. What if I'm wrong though? What if he suddenly called me Noona because he was imagining one of the stylists? I know Yoongi told me that he likes older women... I am older, but he'd never called me as Noona before... Is it a kink for him?

My bladder tells me I need to get up, so I move to the edge of the bed. I hiss in discomfort when I sit up because my abs are screaming. The pain from the pressure on my private parts from just sitting is so intense I almost cry out. I take a minute to breathe, and gripping on the edge of the bed I push myself up. Wobbling on my legs like a newborn baby, I stumble towards the bathroom.

I make it to the toilet and literally sob into my hand from the stinging pain as I pee. The images come suddenly and unwelcome to my mind. The intense agony of the repeated abuse my ex put me through over the course of mere hours. Funny how every time my life changes, it happens so fast. My parents gone in an instant... My virginity forcefully taken in minutes... One picture on the internet stealing the promise of love in seconds...

I take toilet paper and try to wipe myself as gently as possible. I hold my breath and grit my teeth to bear the pain. I grab a washcloth and wet it with warm water to try to clean myself better with less pain. I clean myself and pull it away to see it is red from blood. My head spins again at the memories this brings...

I stand with much difficulty, and move to the shower. I turn it on and take off the t-shirt I'm wearing. Stepping into the warm spray I try to relax my body. I feel the stinging again in my vagina as water runs down and the tears start. The memories of the past intensify what I'm feeling now. The logical side of me knows that I'm uncomfortable, but not in any real pain.

What's happening in my mind is making it hard to breathe. I put my hands on the wall to steady myself. The shower is hot, but I feel cold. The steam making it hard to inhale deeply. I open my mouth to call for help, but only a whisper comes. The dark spots start to invade my vision, and I shake my head to clear them with no success. My whole body is wracked with pain and I can feel the open wounds on my back stinging as the water runs over them. I can't breathe... What's happening?? Someone help me... Please...

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